Thank you.
RE: [Plugin] Zorro2 (beta)
Whaat, I see. Thanks for looking into it. I've remodelled the shape slightly using different path, deleted the middle bits, and now it doesn't bugsplat as often. Go figure
Pilou, you mean as opposed to cutting groups & components? Maybe. I'll try, but I would have thought slicing groups would be a more complex task than modifying faces directly
RE: Large models ( high poly !) again
I sometimes think that SketchUp's inability to handle multi-million poly geometries is what separates me from all the yahoos out there who plonk 3dsmax created model into sketchup twick it a little a put 'expert SketchUp modeler' in their resumes..
Modeling in low-poly is both a limitation and a blessing of SketchUp.
RE: Bugsplat when starting SketchUp [resolved]
Thanks for looking into it. It appears the problem had nothing to do with LightUp. It is solved now but I still don't know what was actually causing it. I don't remember which script was the last to be installed. MIght have been FreeScale update or Chris's Perpendicular face or some other.
I started uninstalling scripts one by one in alphabetical order (using Ashampoo Uninstaller) aiming to completely reinstall SketchUp. I would try to fire up SketchUp every now and then, and it suddenly stopped bugsplatting! I don't have any tyime at the moment to look more closely into it, maybe later. The toolbars were all over the place when SketchUp finally did open. It seems coincedental that bugsplatting started on the last day of LightUp Demo.
It might have something to do with what registry entries Ashampoo Uninstaller saved after LightUp installation. I would have moved toolbars around to place LightUp toolbar where I wanted it. So perhaps when Ashampoo reverted back to pre-LightUp state it also removed some of those registry entries relating to the new toolbar positions of OTHER scripts.
Bugsplat when starting SketchUp [resolved]
I've posted at the lightup forum:
Sorry for crossposting but this is very urgent. I can't start SketchUp, it bugsplats! every time. Today my 1.4a demo expired. A window popped up asking me to enter a new registration key. I don't have one so I tried to just close the window, and SketchUp bugsplat. I uninstalled/reinstalled LightUp a few times now, repaired SketchUp installation, nothing seems to work. I've tried debugging the Sketchup*.dmp file, but don't have enough knowledge to fully understand the code.
Completely uninstalling and reinstalling SU with all rubies will take me half a day which I don't want to do. We have a deadline on Wednsday and this bugsplatting is happening at the least opportune moment. Please help. Attached is the SketchUp DMP file (inside zip archive)
RE: CPU Spike
@unknownuser said:
we've turned down detail. (on trees etc.)
What's the polygon count? Your idea of "low detail" might still be unmanagable for SketchUp.
In SketchUp -> Window -> Model Info -> Statistics tab, -> tick the box next to "Show nested components" at the top (drop down menu should also say "Entire model")
RE: Is this forum for children?
This Smiley has no sense of humour
(all children love toilet humour)
RE: [Plugin] Zorro2 (beta)
Whaat, I've got 2 files. The first one is the original, its geometry is a result of a simple Follow Me. The second one is a derivative of the first, with some bits manually cut out. The latter Bug Splats almost every time I try to Zorro it up. The former lets me slice it any which way I want, every time. I'm on WinXP SP3, SU7. Do you mind checking it out? TIA
RE: Just bought organizer.rb and cant get it to do anything.
Scrambled scripts - like Didier's ellipse and others - can't be 'organised' with Rick's organiser. Nor can be those scripts that are not meant for Plugins menu (i.e. Draw, Tools & context menu scripts). Fredo6's Freescale etc, and other authors' "complex" scripts have their own often multilevel menu placement logic, so I don't bother organising them.
However, I still use Organiser for all the other scripts to avoid complete chaos When an 'organised' script gets updated by its author, you have to go through all the steps again, which is a pain. All in all a better script manager is really needed.
RE: Sketchup for linux petition - just 24 votes so far
Strangely (ironically?) is owned by Artifice Ltd, the makers of DesignWorkshop, which at one point would have been considered competition to SketchUp. I think they have stopped DW development..
RE: Joint Push Pull Classic (Old version) - v2.2a - 26 Apr 17
tested on Windows XP SP3, SketchUp Pro 7 (latest)
everything works (as per previous post)
great plugin. Fredo6 for president. -
RE: [Obsolete] BZ__Arc for BezierSpline 1.2
Moderators, shouldn't Fredo's name be highlighted in a different colour on this forum, or something, like the names of other people who distinguished themselves in some way? He obviously is some kind of demigod at the very least but has an appearance of a mortal.
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoScale - v3.6a - 01 Apr 24
Incredible set of tools! Thank you Fredo6! Thank you Daniel S for the alt icons too
RE: Mass material importer
What do you do about the scale of the imported images? You still have to manually scale every imported image to make it usable, i.e. brick textures (or any patterned texture that is meant to have a certain size in relation to SketchUp model space).
There are a few SketchUp material libraries floating around the www, that are basically just images with unrealistic scale, and not true material libraries..
RE: What is going on here??
Thanks Jeff. I too would like to know why after wiggling the Rotate tool the geometry doesn't return to its original half-cylinder shape when returning to 0 degrees deformation with the Rotate tool still active. Manipulating any other type of geometry does that.
Pilou, I don't think you quite understand Jeff's question. You are explaining why convex shape is created, but that's not what Jeff is asking.
RE: What is going on here??
Jeff, I'm unable to open the original on Windows..
RE: Toggle Continuous Line
You can turn off "rubber banding" in Preferences -> Drawing -> untick "continute line drawing".
I personally find the rubber banding very useful. Though I do agree that sometimes termination of the rubber banding when a face is created can be a bit annoying when you are trying to close off multiple attached faces.