Window Proportions Question
i think it was coen who found it, so he's the man to thank.
dave - don't forget to take into consideration the width of the 'scene' tabs at the top when you start setting up your animation
Thanks for that reminder. When I set up to do a video capture for a tutorial, I include the entire SketchUp window including the toolbars so those scene tabs get included if I use Scenes.
film and stage plugin won't affect the entire SketchUp window though. It only masks the drawing space.
Previs Film & Stage plugin will do it ... sort of.
You can set your own aspect ratio and name it (you can edit the camera.txt file), then grab the window frame and resize to eliminate the gray bars.
By resizing the window to the graybars you'll have image size you want. Just have to be careful in being accurate to get the gray bars to disappear.
I am interpretting the "SU window" as the white drawing area.
Hi John, my original question was about the entire SketchUp window which includes the toolbars, menu headings and so on. You are correct however. If I wanted to show only the drawing window the Film and Stage plugin would be useful for setting the its size.
You could also make a 640x480 black image and set it as your desktop background, not stretching, no tiling. then size the window to cover it up....... might work?
Yes, that could work Chris. That sizer application works perfectly for what I need.
remus, great little program, thank you.
+1 for this cool program!