as far as i remember, batch rendering doesn't take changing the Fov between scenes into account. it always uses the fov of the first scene.

RE: Batch render vray (sizes render images)
RE: [Plugin] Component Edit Window v1.3 12072011
doesn't work with SU 2013. does not ask for updating when you save the component. the SU podium plugin "edit in place" just crahses my SU when i save.
RE: Readding faces to complex face
ok seems there is no way around manual labor :X btw tig, i used your plugin "drop vertices" to make sure all lines are coplanar
here is the "face".. its a network of streets. fun times ahead of me.. but thanks for suggestions guys!
Readding faces to complex face
is there a way to re-add a deleted face to a complex face? usually i just draw 1 line that is coplanar on the face and it works, but in this case it doesnt. i need to add a line every few meters to slowly readd parts of the face, and then afterwards manually delete the lines.. i tried it with skinning function of curviloft and an old plugin called "add faces", both dont work (the latter even crahses) -
RE: Sort layers
@techdave02 said:
I number layer 01 to 100 material 001 t0 00100 assemblies 0001 to 000100 sub-assemblies etc etc
Then select item and look in the entity info to see the layer or in the outliner to get deeper in nested components/groups.i don't get it
RE: Sort layers
yeah i know it doesn't impact modelling, its more of a OCD thing
@dave r said:
@peter_shaw said:
ah ok, going to do the old "A1_this, A2_that, ..... Z99_blah" workaround. thanks!
Yeah. Sorry. Alphanumeric is the option for you, I guess.
Of course the order in the list has no impact on the model itself. You could use whatever layer names you want so maybe you would want to use names rather than just the old A1, A2...
RE: Sort layers
ah ok, going to do the old "A1_this, A2_that, ..... Z99_blah" workaround. thanks!
RE: Exterior HDRI illuminated
wow, great rendering and composition! nice hdri, what is this magazine? is it issued monthly with a dvd? how did you do the grass cut-outs? also, did you use 2 grass groups and a density map?? also i would like to know how you did the hedge with arbaro (lots of questions, sorry
a flawless rendering, just needs a higher SL (glass still grainy) -
RE: Having trouble with textures
lines are turned off? can you post the model?
RE: Route 66 Gas Station project
really detailed work! couldn't believe it was plain SU and not a rendering! how does your SU handle that model? i imagine the framerate is quite low?
RE: What's your beginners tip?
if this works you are my hero
@dukejazz said:
Tip_dj no 14
Alternet way to restore toolbars prosition
without using veiw-Toolbar - save toolbars prosition (reg ToolbarsUserCustom-Bar)Ok you know that everytime you boot sketchup the tool bars are set the same as you left
rightnow if you move thing around and if your tool bar get mix up by resizing sketchup bordders and you want to restore toolbars prosition to a standard view (veiw-Toolbar -restore toolbars prosition is ok to use)
To return to how it was when you started, just start a new sketchup instance then exit out the old then exit the new.
when you come back toolbar are fix to how they were
I just re-rendered a student design from last semester with Maxwell. It's kind of a modular "Houseboat-Community".
also, I did a quick multilight study and exported the sequence as a video: a lot about maxwell by doing this, render times are brutal, but the results are pretty cool i think
RE: Batch rendering?
@unknownuser said:
and i ask the same question with camera setting (focal, aspect ratio...)?
only position if i remember correctly
RE: Batch rendering?
is it possible to change layer states during a batch render? i'm trying to render an animation made with SU animate, but vray only seems to accept the layer state of the first scene.
check the attachement to see what i mean
RE: Batch Rendering with Maxwell
ok maybe i posted too premature, i got a solution after browsing the official maxwell forums, just use the script and set the SL steps low
/close thread
Batch Rendering with Maxwell
Anyone familiar with scrpiting in maxwell? especially batch rendering?basically, i have several MXI and their corresponding MXS files in a folder. i want to improve all their SL in stages, f.ex. from 2 to 5 and then the next day from 5 to 10. (when i am AFK, so batch is important). i tried the script that was included, but it doesnt seem to resume the mxi files. instead it begins from 0 at each cycle.
the included script looks like this
// This script gets all the MXS files located in the folder "input" and its children // Opens them, changes their SL and resolution and launches each render // The output of all the images is stored in the folder "output" // The script also shows how to handle render events var inputFolder = "C;\Users\psw\Desktop\batch"; var outputFolder = "C;\Users\psw\Desktop\batch"; var engineVersion = Maxwell.getEngineVersion(); var mxsCount = FileManager.getNumberOfFilesInBranch( inputFolder, "*.mxs" ); var mxsList = FileManager.getFilesInBranch( inputFolder, "*.mxs" ); // Connect event RenderEvents["renderFinished()"].connect(renderHasFinished); var i = 0; var isRendering = 0; for( i = 0; i < mxsCount; i++ ) { renderScene(); while( 1 ) { if( isRendering == 0 ) { break; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function renderScene() { var mxsFile = mxsList[i]; var imagePath = outputFolder + "\" + FileManager.getFileName( mxsFile ) + ".png"; Maxwell.print( "rendering Mxs file; " + mxsFile ); Maxwell.openMxs( mxsFile ); Scene.setImagePath( imagePath ); Scene.setSamplingLevel( 3 ); isRendering = 1; Maxwell.startRender(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function renderHasFinished() { isRendering = 0; Maxwell.print( "Render finished!!" ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
i suck at coding, maybe there is just a command like "-resume"?