Wow, thank you so much for the amazing responses everyone. All these techniques are such good ideas, I'll try and build this myself using the different methods mentioned above as well to learn more complex items in SketchUp!
Much appreciated!
Wow, thank you so much for the amazing responses everyone. All these techniques are such good ideas, I'll try and build this myself using the different methods mentioned above as well to learn more complex items in SketchUp!
Much appreciated!
Hi there,
A bit of a challenge, how would one create this in SketchUp?
As you can see the light is made up of one or two components that is instanced around. My questions is obviously how would one be able to do this and line up all these components?
I can't label this type of geometry to even begin finding out how to start. Thanks!
Hi Thomthom, today is another day, so after I turn on the computer again, it seems there is no problem on the same piece of mesh anymore. Something must've been corrected when restarting SketchUp. Perhaps I ran into a bug by somehow? But anyway, thanks for your offer to take a look. If it ever happens again, I will try and get some reproducible steps.
thomthom, sweet script. However i'm having problems with one of your tools.
The "Split faces into multiple pieces" doesn't seem to work properly on this face;
I can't give you the full scene though (NDA) and when I just paste this piece into a new sketchup scene your tool works. Any ideas?
Exploding object doesn't work either. The axis is at default place in the world at 0,0,0.
Sweet! Thanks guys.
Sketchucation is very good.
Hi there,
I'm completely lost on how to fill this shape.
By its very nature it is non planar so it'll never be able to make it a solid object with Sketchup's native with that in mind does anyone know how to create this shape?
The profile/already filled in shape is correct, just obviously the top and bottom needs to be filled.
I've tried Freedo's tools and many others but can't work out how this should work.
I think he is more specific towards the creation of the blinds on the building (green polys).
I agree, think this would be a very useful script for helping minimizing tiling on large facades/adding details.
I've got a DWG that is flat and also "water-tight" ie you can make a surface from it - no non-co-linear vertices.
However whenever I use the drape tool it always does a crap job:
Intersecting faces does not work with selection, usually I just have to end up using surface tools and manually repatching the thick area.
Question is, does anyone know the reason for a Drape Tool fail?
Its a very good plugin, but I'm not happy with the subscription. Plugins should be a one off purchase and if there are new features added, bug fixes and many updates then a subscription model would make sense, but to "rent" it out (ie one does not own the plugin under the current system) is a bit funny.
It also only works on one computer at a time, so if you work at home then you can't get the plugin working.
Having said that it is worth the asking price, but not sure I'd want to renew it yearly.
Thanks a bunch for these. very nice quality
Thanks Tim, hope I get to do a project with this kind of roof one day!
I can't seem to get this to work.
It works on one object on my scene, but crashes SketchUp if I attempt it on other objects (exploded or not, normals facing the right way).
@jolran said:
I will have some paneling features in "Hatchfaces"-plugin, soonish. Been busy with other stuff.
Hi jolran, sounds good!
@jolran said:
Back to subject.. Does sounds like you only want to pushpull each face and scale it down a little to get an beveled edge? Not really paneling, then?
Yes, that is correct. It is almost a cheat, not really made up of individual panels, but the method gives off that illusion. I just honestly have no idea about Ruby but it seems this would be a simple process.
Thanks for the reply
The ceiling doesn't really need to be made of individual components, it could just copy the original shape of the ceiling, but move it up a fraction so it sits on the grid properly. Not only woudl this be easier to code, it wouldn't require tonnes of custom components on awkward shaped ceilings.
One would just apply a ceiling texture and it would give a nice illusion of tiles. Also, there would be less texture tiling.
I was wondering if it were possible or if anyone knew how to make this script?
I have made this script in Maya but am not familiar enough with Ruby code to be able to do something this simple.
Basically, I was wondering if there was a script that you could select a face, enter in a dimension and the script should offset the face and extrude it a little (like in the below screenshot on the two panels on the right). I know this can be done with existing tools, but when you have thousands of panels to make a script would be really cool!
Thanks Dave.
For anyone else who might come across this thread in a future search:
Hi there,
One of the single biggest most frustrating issue with sketchup is how it works with twosided backes/backfaces.
Is there a way to disable two sided material assignments? There is hardly a use for it in my workflow and I find it frustrating when dealing with windows/glass as one side can be white and the other glass/transparent material.
If there is no way to disable this, is there a script out there that will assign a material to both sides of the face throughout the model?
I got an email today about an update, is there possibility to get a changelog? I'm still interested in the instances/components in FBX and the ability to not triangulate the mesh. Thanks.
Anyone else getting the error "Cannot place component on selection" when it is just a basic ground mesh and assigning using the "point" method?
@thomthom said:
I'm not the only one, right?
Has anyone found any kind of pattern to the splats?
Usually anything more complicated than a single line.