[REQUEST] Plugin a la Fassadeblinds
There's some fantastic free plug-in for 3ds studio Max called 'Fassadeblinds'. It produces blinds for hi-rise buildings en masse.
For sure, it'd be a great addition for SU too.
more info:
http://www.cgtechniques.com/goodies/blinds/ -
Modelur ? $
Adebeo Quick Building? (seems free
I think he is more specific towards the creation of the blinds on the building (green polys).
I agree, think this would be a very useful script for helping minimizing tiling on large facades/adding details.
I created such a plugin but didn't post it because rv1974 chose to show his gratitude by insulting me.
Send me a request, by PM, if you would like a copy.
@sdmitch said:
I created such a plugin but didn't post it because rv1974 chose to show his gratitude by insulting me.
Send me a request, by PM, if you would like a copy.
Great, I also want!!
@sdmitch said:
I created such a plugin but didn't post it because rv1974 chose to show his gratitude by insulting me.
Send me a request, by PM, if you would like a copy.
I simply can't believe it! It must be some kind of misunderstanding! I'm sorry but I did not mentioned to oh Jesus! to insult you.
For curious: there was discussion about some non 'must have' parameter so I wrote if the author feels lazy there's no need to implement it-the end user would live without it. Does it sounds insulting (in English)?
If so I pardon once again.
Peace -
rv, For future reference, when asking a stranger for help, I would avoid using the phrase "if you too lazy" when making a request. After all who is really the lazy one. The person that invested the time and effort into learning Ruby and the Sketchup Rugy API, or the one asking for help.
OK I'm lazy I feel no problem with it (luckily I'm not so clinically touchy about definitions). So could we stop this misunderstanding please?