Ta mate, base over apex when the cut got under my feet.........
RE: Rayscaper render Living room with a cold view.
RE: FN Browning Baby pistol. WIP
You do make a McVities gun, Leon... Exceedingly good, sorry for the advertising pun. McVities are known for their "Exceedingly good cakes".
RE: Rayscaper render Living room with a cold view.
I like the render, under the weather a bit so not had the chance to chuck a proper go at this.
In this render, another image and it has three 'round' or area lights with three images turned about the centre point.
Emissions are very low, 0.1 of a watt.
RE: Gennaris Bionic Vision System
I was working in St Georges hospital in Tooting many yonks ago (Opthalmology theatres too) and some of the stuff they were working on was truly mind blowing for the time. The lack of micro processors reduced the results but they were coming up with great directions for research. One of the items they brought into common use was artificial eyes WITH muscle attachment so both eyes would react to where the patient was looking.
I really miss that involvement and you made my day showing this here.
Stay well out there. -
RE: Water Lily House
Very cool but, I hope the postie can swim...........
"What do you mean, Croc's"?...........
RE: Post diagnosis.
Over the last year or so, I gave up thinking x 'should not happen'. Far too many issues have come to light. Different plugins causing freezes at different times and win doze updates doing the same, onedrive being installed on my OS drive and stealing my files without an invitation that if I want to keep using them I have to pay............
RE: Post diagnosis.
OK, when the render is PAUSED.
I minimise the Rayscaper window to attend to any changes I may wish to make.
For reasons unknown to me, the render then restarts. To reiterate, I have PAUSED the render prior to minimising the render window.
RE: Post diagnosis.
I am going after reverse face situations, this used to be a thing and I still gor for 'fixing' them when I make a model.
Harley-Davidson Chopper Motorcycle 3d model Object files free download
Harley-Davidson Chopper Motorcycle 3d model free download, 3D model of Harley-Davidson chopper motorcycle. .obj files size 34 MB
This model is mostly grey in various different levels.
When I first noted the difference between texture resilt in Rayscaper I completely blanked the reverse face thing but did get there after a while. I stopped the render in Rayscaper and minimised Rayscaper.
I then attempted to reverse the faces but Sketchup froze, Rayscaper was rendering even while minimised. I checked several times to make sure I got the same thing.
So, it seems reverse or back faces IS a problem in Rayuscaper.
In the scane there is the bike, the 'floor' face as a shadow catcher and a few lights.
RE: Canoe the noo.
Like everyone here, I have dealt with variable thickness lines and smudges on 'blueprints.
I even made a Venetian Gondola which deliberately has completely different hull lines left to right. Interestin to say the least.
I get peeved when a straightforward canoe, which has a symmetrical design. is so bastardised is suggested as a 'blueprint'. Just an observation and I will make of it what I can for practice sake. Got to laugh a bit more and use emoti thingy's perhaps.
Canoe the noo.
Well, I got a little discouraged with the average blueprints I have been using for various learning tools. Most of the tiome I make my own designs and render them, so much faster and less mind gnashingly frustrating but, I thought to myself, "Self, try something simpler".
Yea, never fail. A simple canoe. Not much in there to go awry is there?
How anybody builds more than a banana, I cannot fathom. The frames are going to be hit and miss due to the thickness of the lines after all but that can be cured by taking a mid line datum and flipping one half to the other, right?
Wow, how wrong I am. It is obviously logical, well more logical, to make both halves of the frames on completely different alignemts with zero relationship to the top down view of the ?hull? Sorry, more like Emu than Mr Hull.
I just had to get this off my front and said before it drove me into orbit minus the sugar free gum..........
I do hope your hobbies are driving you just that little bit less wonky, stay well folks you and yours.
RE: Post diagnosis.
OK, something new, when reducing Rayscaper to adjust or check materials etc, NB that this can start Rayscaper on a new render. I always 'stop' the render before minimising Rayscaper. As the load is pretty high this can 'freeze' Sketchup..
RE: Post diagnosis.
Adjusting settings, lighting etc.
The front 'tyre' is still acting up and I think nthe 'freezing' of Sketchup mid procedure is related to Rayscaper.
While altering the ;finish of a material in Rayscaper Sketchup 'froze' again.
Any thoughts folks.
RE: Post diagnosis.
Moving onwards-shire. No idea why the front and rear tyres behave differently as the are both 'charcoal'. Just experimenting with what I have here. Sketchup is still randomly taking up to 20 seconds to open the welcome screen.
RE: Mustang
I get what you are saying, these anodyne and robotic cars which seem to be the majority remind me of buying a fridge-freezer rather than cars. IMOHO, driving is something you work at and are involved with, feeling the car back end shifting around on different surfaces. Modern cars for the most part are point and click.
RE: Mustang
I got to drive a 95 and loved it to bits. Fastest, no. Most adept hasndler, no. Full of character and 'want one' factor? In spades. Love the render.
RE: Free of 2025
As a piece of abstract ?art? it has a certain no idea what. I suppose a five year old might have it on their wall but anything else? Nada.