I'd say that if ruby scripting tingles your curiosity then go for it. It's fun learning something new, isn't it?
Having said that, you'll have a steeper learning curve if you've never touched scripting before. You'd have to get to grips with the concepts of scripting in general, the ruby syntax, then the SU API.
I've done JS, PHP, VBS scripting and some Visual Basic and C# programming, but only looked into SU ruby scripting these last couple of weeks. That makes it somewhat easier to break faster into the creating as oppose to learning. I consider myself more of a visual person than a scripter. I work with visualisations at an architectural office. But I also like scripting as I like to 'make things work'. Earlier I used to do webdesign, which allowed me a nice combination of working with graphics and working with code. Now it's SketchUp that fills that void.
I'm not a fan of sudoko, but instead I do scripting to feed the problem-solving part of my brain. I wouldn't have gotten anywhere with scripting had I not had an interest for it.
Learn Ruby, if you want to your self. Not because you feel you owe anyone anything.