Thanks Tig,
I got the diagonals from the EEbyrailstolattice but got lost At EEbyface. I would post a screen shot but I got a bugsplat error. Do I explode both sets if diagonals and then use eebyface? When I used eebyface it made the rails orthagonal. I did try the linsetocylinder and got that to worked. I missing one of your steps.
RE: [Plugin] Extrude Edges by Rails by Face
RE: [Plugin] Extrude Edges by Rails by Face
Hello Tig,
Will this work with a circle face and diagonal like the lattice by rail. Lattice by rail allows the diagonal. I notice the diagonal dialogue is not a choice with the rail by face.
Is this correct? I would like to have pipes that cross diagonal to each other with glassin between.Thanks
RE: [Plugin] CADup
Hello Tig,
Will this be similar to the old ADO autimatic drawings export of pages in dwg or image format. Do you recall this ruby script. It was very easy to use. I think Didier B was the original author. It as also very useful.
RE: Problems exporting elevations to Autocad
Anyone have any luck on exporting the elevations in autocad? I get a sectioncut line at the ground level an no other lines???? Please help!
RE: Modeling ocean wave
Thanks Roger,
I'm exploring options and will maybe post some ideas when I get a chance. -
RE: [Plugin][$] Curviloft 2.0a - 31 Mar 24 (Loft & Skinning)
I've tried it as well. Thanks Fredo for such a wonderful tool. Can you get it to maintain a sharp edge? I noticed it round the corners. Would be nice to have this as an option if available.
Modeling ocean wave
How do you model somthing like this or some form that similates an ocean wave? I'm have the challenge of modelling a wave that will have to be eventually built at some scale. I have a challenge thinking of how to make the form in sketchup first. Any sugestions on a method would be greatly appreciated.
RE: [Ongoing-Tutorial] How to make a car using SDS/Artisan?
Thanks for your tutorial! I'm following along. How do you create your double lines? Do you use a front and rear imgage as well?
RE: Hornbeam hedges - SketchUp 8 model
What command did you use to get your rectangle to a tin map. Is there such a way just by selecting a face or multiple faces.
RE: Anti-SketchUp! Snobbery [or Ignorance?]
The clients aren't the problem it's some of our collegues that we have to convince. They havn't got a clue.
These are stubborn architects that think they know with out even trying to use the software what the program is capable of. I have tried to convinced the office that su is more that just drawing pretty 3d models. Su as Bob says can be incorporated in every phase of the project including CD's. I got this question today- "Is it as acurate as autocad?Can you use to do cd's?"...I just wanted to SCREAM!!!The only reason why I'm complaining is because I know how much more productive our office could be if they would fully embrace and push the software to its limits. Su has breath new life in to those who know its real potential. I'm done trying to convince the doubters of what is clearly obvious to most of us on this forum. Su is practical and fun too!ps. I'm interested in kowing how many offices use SU and how much?
It just appears that everyone is talking about this program in some capacity. I never knew this to be the case about any 3d program until the arrival of SU. Am I being biased?P: lapx
RE: Toolbars rearrange themselves
Notice this does not always work for me either even after previously saving. Where does it save the tool bar file or does it? It appears to be bugggy.
It should allow you to save various presets. This should be a job for google. Google where are you? I'm so thankful for the ruby scripter's ...Google should be too. SU would have died sometime ago as a serious tool but for the ruby god's. I hope google is rewarding the ruby god's somehow. -
RE: Sketchup is broken
Thanks Tig, I scaled back on my plugins by unloading in the preference extentions menu. That seems to work for now. I'll have to load up the "otimizer".
RE: Sketchup is broken
Greyout menu's in Sketchup are not just limited to Fredo's plugins from what i'm experincing. Hope this is resoslved soon.
It's become very frustrating. -
RE: Asterix
Solo, time to quit playing around and retire...write that instruction book! If you need an investor I'm in
Think of all the kids (adults too) you can influence with your instructions "drawing cartoons with sketchup". Its a winner! -
RE: This is some of my works
Great Stuff! Your curves have improve exponentially. You imagination is unlimited.
Keep it up man. -
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoScale - v3.6a - 01 Apr 24
Hey Adrian,
You are a sketchup hall of fame'er. I have always admired your worked. Good to see you posting on the board.
No doubt you've kept busy in chi'town and abroad with all that talent. -
RE: UK Riots
We are paying for sins of our fathers. What will we pass on to our children? We should not make excuses for criminal behavoir which is what society has told us. There has to be some uderlying reason...The reason is immorality. You can be poor and not be a criminal. And you can be a criminal and not be poor. Lets stop making excuses for bad behavoir and punish those who break the rules. Making excuse for those who commit these crimes only enables and gives justice to their illegitimate acts. There are still civil ways to sovle problems. Being poor from where I come from and what I have experienced is a result of the individuals lack of acquiring knowlege and/or equipping themselves with a skills that someone else finds valuable. I know a lot of poor people who are not and never have been criminals. There are no excuses!
RE: Problems exporting elevations to Autocad
Have no idea why this does not work. I cannot export acad dwg without loss of lines. Can anyone debug this? However, it does work when I copy just the building into a new file.
@unknownuser said:
Ken wrote:
I will narrow my brush the next time. I agree that cutting spending alone will not work. However, if we start with a good dose of cutting, and the elected officials are in agreement that we have a debt problem, then taxing should come aboard to help get us back to financial responsibility. For me, cuts first, not necessary all the required cuts, than taxes to start the pay down of the debt, and then more cuts and more taxes until the debt is under control. I am not advocating a "cold turkey" debt diet, but more of a Nutrisystem of a dieting.Ditto,
Now if we can get our "leaders" to think like this. Maybe they need to learn sketchup
In the mean time porfolios are being wiped out. They have given the short sellers more ammunition.