Your didnt understand me. We all agree it needs to end now. And the only way to do that is have everyone help put out the fire.
@unknownuser said:
I work for my family, and when I get to the point that I am working to keep other people afloat, I am gone.
@unknownuser said:
I hope ur not serious becacuse you will have to leave the planet. Those of us who are more fortunate have been doing this already for a few decades and it has gotten worse as a result of the politicians and big corps we have. We still have to pull together to put out the fire and then we make tough decisions about what we do from there. It sucks but thats life. The repubs and fox news need to stop poor mouthing the pres and come up with some real solutions. Dems and Repubs broke us with the stupid wars using sledge hammer philosophy. Were they really making us safe? I never believed this. I cant believe they are waiting on leadership when the house is burning.Put out the fire.