Hi all,
I just realized that so many people have heard about Bonzai3D. I just found out about that program today and went to their website to check it out. This is really a Sketchup clone but with some tools that sketchup does not have.
I was particularly interested in the videos about Bulge, Bending, Sweep, Revolve/Helices, Stairs, Thickness, Nurbs and Maetrials/Texture mapping.
Although some plugins from the SU ruby genius can replicate the same functions than the ones in the videos, it might take a little bit more work.
I have been using Sketchup since it came out 10 years ago and love it, therefore I don't want to give up on it and try to learn a new program. But I am quite interested in trying Bonzai3D and see how good it is compared to SU.
It seems like it allows to import/export in Skp format. Maybe this is a good thing to model back and forth between both programs.
Has anyone used it what are your thoughts on that new software?
Thanks and have a terrific day!