Very nice renders, Tom.
Keep them coming.
Nice staircase, Khai.
Can't wait to see the final model.
Cool plugin, Thomas.
Great renders, Adam!
Mr. Mies van der Rohe would give
Have a terrific day.
@earthmover said:
Fredo's Hover Select has an option to "Extend selection to cofacial and aligned edges". It works to do a loop select on clean quads. Another option would be a script that I think Jim or TIG helped me with a while back called Select Edges by Z. You can pick an edge and run the script and it will pick all other edges on that Z coordinate.
Hey Adam,
Thanks for the tips. I tried it but did not work so well as my model is quite complex and has lots of details.
Take care,
@tig said:
It's pretty easy to switch to wire-frame or Xray mode and position your camera to view 'side on' and then use select by fence with left-right drag so only things that are wholly inside the fence get picked [as opposed to right-left drag fence making which selects everything that has just a part of itself inside the fence]
Voila! you have the loops edges selected in 'one foul swoop'.
If you do select something that's not wanted then remove it from the selection-set by holding down shift+ctrl and re-picking it...![]()
Yes, that's a method I use sometimes, but it works on simple shape like the example I showed or on model with a few details. I was hoping for a plugin that will quickly help select edge loops on complex models.
Thanks though.
Have a great day!
@ken28875 said:
You're correct, "ThomThom's Selection Toys only selected face loops, that is loops composed of faces".
Oops, I meant to reply to mitcorb, not TIG.
You're correct, "ThomThom's Selection Toys only selected face loops, that is loops composed of faces".
Hopefully someone will manage to figure out a script for that plugin.
Hi there,
Does anyone know if there is a plugin that will allow me to select edges that loop around the model?
1 - select one edge
2-apply plugin and the edge loop is selected
Wow, awesome model!
I would suggest you play with the camera/field of view to get some more interesting/dramatic views.
Have a nice one!
TIG is the man! Can't wait for EEbyLathe2 to come out.
@charly2008 said:
Hi Ken,
the columns in the second image i did with Draw Helix and TIGs EE by Face. Sorry for my late answer.
Cool, thanks.
@gaieus said:
Something like Fredo's Tools on Surface?
I do have it, but did not remember that "offset contour on surface" was in there.
Thanks for the reminder, Gaieus.
Have a great day!
Hi everyone,
If you know an existing plugin to offset from adjacent non-coplanar faces, could you please give me the link to download it?
But I think it does not exist yet. Therefore, if any of the ruby script geniuses have time and would like to write it, I would be greatly thankful.
See the images for explanations.
Thank you very much!
1- original polygons
2-select desired faces
3-apply plugin
Hi Andy,
Pretty cool render.
Nice to see a fellow concept artist using Sketchup in this forum.
All the best,
Wow, cool. Thanks, TIG.
I was really in need of that plugin.
I sometimes group/ungroup/explode my geometries and some will go into another layer rather than the layer 0. I loss some of the geometries due to being in a hidden layer after deleting a group.
This plugin will be quite useful.
Thanks again for your time and great plugins.
@tig said:
I made a tool 'Archiver' that lets you make 'snapshot' archived copies of the model as you go
Great! Where can I download that Archiver tool?
Thanks, TIG.