yes**Kim** , that is correct , it happens to me also
RE: Shape style bug
Request _ Put On Scene
Similar to the simplicity of Put On Layer :
Put On Scene , can it be done ? to assign any object to a particular scene already created ?
Request - Get Co-Planar
Hello ,
I would like to know if there is a plugin that can make a coplanar face out of a two non coplanar faces .
Telling line 1 and line 2 to match the Plan made by the two other lines .Thanks in advance .
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
I am in as well
since a week or so
I used to smoke over 20 blonde cigis a day
Now I just vap . Quite good .thanks olishea
great findingmy favourite flavours are : black tobacco , red bull and menthol ,
all with 6 mg of nicotine .
I had to buy a second battery to keep vaping all day for it only last over three hours each one . I think the filter will last over month .
nice , really nice
RE: Time for a change for me...
Congratulations Chris
now put these guys in Boulder to work -
Time-lapse video of la Sagrada Família
...This footage was taken on April 2012 by Albert Castaño and Luis Caldevilla. A new drone model was used when filming, with an attached camera that was able to capture unprecedented images. A 3-axis motion control time-lapse device was also used to film this video. Music by Ludovico Einaudi ("Burning",UMG)...
RE: Now the 'FUN' starts in the Eurozone with Beppe Grillo!
He has some good points in his proposals . Take a look . Its in Italian . Translate .
the whole thing is a complete mess everywhere .
actual politicians in charge should resign like the Pope has done and we all should start being better people . Hard task ¡¡¡ Money is going to end sooner or later . It has been an invention and we can invent something better for this present time we are living . We are so scared . We have to learn the new ways that are not written yet . So better to keep calm and try to discover them . Still the important things remain , like the Sun rising every day ¡¡¡ Is not that unbelivable ? -
RE: [Layout Tip] - improving workflow
That is a great help , thanks utiler
RE: Sketchup 64 bit?
I dónt know about 32 or 64 bit
What I think is that the Pro version has to get much faster for exploding and saving , if it wants to stay alive .If that means that the SketchUp core has to be modified deeply and that that costs a lot of money ,
well then
that would be the difference between Pro and Free .
I would not mind to pay more for that , at all .
But the next version has to address the speeding issue , quite a lot .
I think . -
Merging files
Hello ,
Is there a way to merge files in just one ?
There is no option to insert Layout files ¡
RE: How does your Country rate in the Software Piracy stakes?
knowledge is not owned; it is shared]**
from Dovid Krafchow .
That is the thing , that is the trouble ,
RE: Sketchup updated to 8.0.16846
@d12dozr said:
I updated Sketchup right away with the new version, but when I open Layout I get a message that there is a new version on the "Update" button and I go to the same download page.
Yes ¡
Same here . _________I am having more difficulties in selecting and right_clicking
RE: Sketchup updated to 8.0.16846
I don´t think so**pier70** ,
I think you have to download it again in Italian ,
by the way :
shocking update in the present turbulent times -
Happy sunrise tomorrow
Happy sunrise tomorrow :
Best wishes