Hi Renderiza , it seems it does not works well in version 2.013 , do not close neither changes styles .
No mores sounds ?
keep it up , I think it is a great plugin .
RE: [Plugin] [Re]Scene v1.0.7
RE: Reasons why to go on SU 2013 ...
@alan fraser said:
I put in a Feature Request for some way of saving any custom configuration to an external file, so that it could survive any such re-install.
Sounds like a plan to me.Indeed
RE: Reasons why to go on SU 2013 ...
I am thinking that since I´ve just upgraded to version 2.013 I´ll explain my reasons to do it , mostly because I have a thread in the Corner Bar forum where I was decided to do not upgrade . http://sketchucation.com./forums/viewtopic.php?f=179&t=52461
When I downloaded the trial I was firstly impressed by the new exporting animation feature in Sketchup and by the new zoom feature in Layout .
When I started playing around and saw the new icons and the difficulty to get my beloved self_made toolbars to get them well set , the discouragement began and then the anger .
Well , I have been keeping reading these days all the buzz and the talks about that something maybe be running under the hoods . I have thought about it .
I have been digging in the upgrade and have tested , so far , that it runs better and faster both in Sketchup and Layout .I think that icons are very important ,they must be smart and they have been . So why then have they changed ? Why this new way to manage toolbars ? I have thought that it must have been an imposition by the owner to better fit the visualization with his other softwares . And thus the running under the hoods for something new makes sense to me .
I have been struggling to get my toolbars the way I like and have finally , more or less , succeeded .
So I have thought that although the troubles of icons and toolbars it could be worth to update , not just for the better running but for the hopes of the something new to come .Finally , I have always been close to the idea that Sketchup should get rid off companies and try to develop by itself . No way . It has an owner , we are in his hands . But the fact that the **Sketchup Team**has finally shown in here , means to me that relationships can be improved and that we may be able to walk along again together .
RE: Jim's Toolbar example "Option" Not working in 2013
@krisidious said:
Ok... thanks to Burkard we have a fix. replace your loader.rb file located here \SketchUp\SketchUp 2013\Plugins\Toolbars\Files with this one.
[attachment=0:2nhe1o07]<!-- ia0 -->loader.rb<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2nhe1o07]
Thanks both , it worked ¡
RE: Does Trimble listen...?
@marcdurant said:
There are a number of SketchUp folks who read this forum. Speaking only for myself, I focus on those conversations where I can make a difference by helping people with problems or perhaps tracking down a new bug report.
Hi marcdurant ,
thanks for joining . I have seen you taking care in the Layout forum .
I am glad that someone from the Sketchup Team , finally says something .cheers
RE: Does Trimble listen...?
@jason_maranto said:
Have you ever seen a SketchUp or Trimble banner ad here? That alone tells you alot...
Jason.Ok , but what has happened as to have the complete silence we have today ?
@frederik said:
Remember the old Google is Listening! thread...?
I don´t understand . Is it that Skethucation has grown so powerful that it is really a competitor ?
In any case I still cannot see any advantage in your proposal for trying other softwares
I keep thinking the best would be to improve relationships .But ... freedom is freedom
RE: Does Trimble listen...?
@jason_maranto said:
@juanv.soler said:
I think that the best tactic to enforce change would be to close the gap between Trimble SketchUp Team
If you think that "gap" is coming from the side of the community than you are very mistaken... If anything the community is far to forgiving of how they are being treated.
Jason.I am not thinking that way . What I say is that the gap should be shortened .
I have no idea what has happened for you to say that SketchUcation Community has been badly treated .
But your saying brings the good path to explain and talk . Please go ahead .best
RE: Does Trimble listen...?
@jason_maranto said:
However, I will say that you are correct. The best tactic to enforce change is to financially support a SketchUp competitor instead... which is exactly what I will do.
Jason.I can´t see your point in here Jason . SketchUp keeps running great and keeps improving . We are a great community here and we can keep together around this bit of magic software .
I think that the best tactic to enforce change would be to close the gap between Trimble SketchUp Team
and SketchUcation .And I think we should talk about it .
RE: A Big Project: My real Home with all its objects
@oxer said:
This month I'm the Featured Artist in Thea Render web with this project, you can see some renders and the interview here Thea Featured Artist
¡ Enhorabuena ¡ Oxer
RE: SketchUp 2013 Gripes & Bitchin' ONLY ;)
it looks like we are waiting godot
...wait endlessly and in vain for the arrival of someone named Trimble SketchUp Team
RE: SU2013+VFS2 anybody?
hi majid
take a look at the SketchUp Discussion forum , you will be really impressedabout plugins and toolbars : http://sketchucation.com./forums/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=52580
RE: WikiHouse
@tig said:
http://www.ted.com/talks/alastair_parvin_architecture_for_the_people_by_the_people.htmlGreat finding to me ,
thanks TIG
RE: SketchUp 2013 Gripes & Bitchin' ONLY ;)
@mike lucey said:
Introducing SketchUp 2013
Wednesday, May 22, 2013 9:35 AM
With regard to the above, by John Bacus, I was a little perplexed on reading some of what has been stated, particularly in relation to Trimble SketchUp's 'take' on plugins (pun intended)
MikeThanks for sharing your feelings about it , Mike,
I do now have a better understanding of what is going on . -
RE: SketchUp 2013 Gripes & Bitchin' ONLY ;)
@thomthom said:
I have a couple of ideas to what can be improved in the API. I've collected them in this Google Docs document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hwEivitbEwU-Lbnkia9K0HOEKlXkYrV3uVPcqeZZofw/edit?usp=sharing
I have read it , not to say that I have understood the language of programing .
But it seems to me that there are quite a lot of features that Masters of Ruby , could improve if the Ruby application programming interface (API), was updated .
So to make it clear to me , we do not have those possibilities because the software development team , Trimble , do not want us to have it , for whatever reasons .Thanks for telling thomthom
RE: SketchUp 2013 Gripes & Bitchin' ONLY ;)
I understand
Thanks Jasonbest
RE: SketchUp 2013 Gripes & Bitchin' ONLY ;)
I think this comment of mine do not belong to this thread , but ....
hope you don´t mind
I am guessing that what it really need to be as much better as it could ,
(to raise**SketchUp** further) , would be the power of Ruby .
If it is so , and we are in the hands of people who do not care about it , what future can we expect ?Up to what extent working with Ruby as what it is now , 2.013 update included , things could improve ?
What things could not ever be done ?
RE: SketchUp 2013 Gripes & Bitchin' ONLY ;)
@jason_maranto said:
... I think it imperative that users take on an additional software package (if they have not already done so) – by supporting a competitor of SketchUp you are applying additional market pressure to Trimble...
Hi jason_maranto ,
I think that what it is , truly imperative now , is a much better conexion in between
Trimble _ SketchUcation
SketchUcation _ TrimbleFirst things _ First
I think their relationship could ? (certainly should) improve
I do not know the facts but in this Upgrade it has been clearly shown that they have been working towards the same direction but in complete isolation each one ( I am talking about the management of plugins ) -
RE: Repetitive Strain in Wrist
@olishea said:
I have been using one of these mouse pads below, but it doesn't seem to help the pain or alleviate any pressure.
Maybe is it because of that mouse pad ?
Have you been using it for a long time or did you change to it because of your wrist pains ? -
RE: I need a drink
@tomasz said:
The question was: is the community mature enough to start a "kicksrater" for a new architectural modeling/drafting software? How much would it cost to get an initial version?
There was Octree architectural modeler ... .
Hi tomasz ,
maybe we will reach a day
when we will become independent from Companies
but as it seems , and you are right , few people here want to hear about it yetTime to Time
It must be ? a question of patience and resistence to prove that it is the future path to follow
if things keep turning as they do nowget a drink