@shaun tennant said:
....hello darkness my old friend...
...Ive come to talk with you again,...
edit :
late news
it is not the 28th of may but the 4th of June
@shaun tennant said:
....hello darkness my old friend...
...Ive come to talk with you again,...
edit :
late news
it is not the 28th of may but the 4th of June
I too try, Kannonbal, but not posting, just watching how it goes.
I´m expectant on seeing next 28th how the transfer goes.
I cant avoid feeling inside some hope they will be able to make it attractive for us.
I´m really curious.
But, it is most grateful to be under cover in here and so being able to watch in comfort
Thanks Jujú,
I´ve just found this man, jewish, talking about 2.012
Really interesting and his web-page too :
and maths too
maybe good for my daughter
thanks James
maybe hide is a way to ask for that "hide and seek" play we enjoyed when kids
remember ?
@jenujacob said:
u could have a look at this??
offcial site.. LOL!
That´s pretty interesting.
I´ve been reading in the Mayan creed, belief, that the CREATION started on :
August 11,12 or 13 of 3.114 BC
And then I´ve searched for which,why,which is that reason.
And I´ve found this one :
This beginning date was reached by finding a point in future time (December 21 2012) and counting backwards, as theories go,..
Does anybody knows about this theory ? or any other theory about it ?
that´s 3hundred and twenty two.
thanks for the place Cohen
salud everyone
thanks kelly,
though i´m afraid i have no culture at all about what you are talking
i´ll learn
now, anyone can tell me the difference between PC and MAC ?
(i can search in google, i know)
just in case
@tricias said:
Thanks Juan for all of the answers. But I'm afraid that I'm REALLY confused now!
Would you mind doing one more thing? Could you post a screenshot of the Evaluation dialog you are seeing? That might provide some clues...
Thanks for helping us troubleshoot this one.
Hi Tricia,
- Maybe its been Papá Noél.
- Cheers and thanks again for your care.
HI Tricia,
[/u]- You are determining you have the Pro product because you see the Evaluation dialog - right? RIGHT
Did you download from the link above or did you go to some other link? THE LINK ABOVE- - It sounds like you already ruled out ever installing a Pro version on that machine - correct? CORRECT
And you're not running that machine on a network with Pro. NO
check is whether you have a "LayOut" subdirectory under C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 6. - CHECKED .-. IS NOT
Best regards and thankyou.
@orka said:
Je cherche ou pouvoir telecharger la v6 de Sketchup Viewer, en effet sur le site de Google, c'est une version 5 qui est en telechargement ,et donc ,non compatible avec les réalisations faites avec SU 6Auriez vous une solution ???
@unknownuser said:
If you let the 8 hour trial run out, it does lock the pro features and become the free version, I've done this, but than immediately bought pro as I need it for work.
Yes I know Jon.
What I´m saying is that it is confusing.
If you see in the page that you can download the Free version and once done you see it is the Pro version limited to 8 hours and there is no hint at all that running it through that time it becomes Free,
that is confusing
It should not happen.
Another administrative problem.
Is not, Gai.
The Free version installs as Pro.
And I´m doing it in a new laptop with no Pro installed.
I´m thinking its been done on purpose by Google´s sales department.
@gaieus said:
@juanv.soler said:
Who is in charge to get things running in this department ?
We are, Juan, the community, the mods, the admins...
But this is out of our scope and as you most probably know, this site has nothing to do with Google as a company - only via its members, let them be Google employees, beta testers, pro or free users.as for the Free Google sketchup, why don't you try to go to go to this page and choose the left choice (Google SketchUp 6 - instead of Google SketchUp 6 Pro on the right)?
Also, as you may probably know, SU 6 is now available in Spanish, too (you can try it here as well).
But here you will find your choice for sure.
Now if you try to use it on either the same network or the same computer, you may well have problems with it.
Hi Gai,
try for yourself those links you provide and you´ll find what I´m talking about.
It installs as a Pro version, not as a Free version.
As Stinkie and Rhankc says, once the 8 hours ends it magically transform in Free.
I have 6 hours left to confirm that.
If it is so, then it is confusing. It should clearly install as FREE.
And about my question : Who is in charge to get things running in this department ?
of course i know it is not your fault neither people in here.
That is why I was claiming to unite again.
cry in desert
as the develop.
I started to think it was as you both say.
But then i thought, no. That is not clear. It would be confusing.
Alas ¡¡¡
It is confusing.
Thankyou both.