I suppose nlx drew the dimension in Sketchup, not Layout... I'm sorry but if this is the case you have to update it in SU and then reload the reference in Layout.
I suppose nlx drew the dimension in Sketchup, not Layout... I'm sorry but if this is the case you have to update it in SU and then reload the reference in Layout.
TIG is right of course but With Dynamic Components you can do almost everything you want to do.
Try opening the Dynamic Components toolbar, (view > toolbars > dynamic components) select the hand (interact tool) and click on the guy that shows up when you open Sketchup 2013 (Derrick).
Then go activate view > hidden geometry and click with the interact tool again and see what happens.
Insert some more Dynamic Components from the component browser. Insert some more DC's from the Google Warehouse. Search about DC's here or at Sketchup website.
Try a lot, fail a lot and you'll succeed!
Best regards,
Now Trimble... about that even slower outliner...
Thanks for the explanation TIG, even if I got there myself it took me some time. I was almost going to post my Locale incident as a bug in your plugin.
I made a small change in your naming of the list in the translation. Where you refer to "Glue" wich in portuguese is "Colar" I translated as "Auto-Regenerar" wich actually means "Auto-Regenerate". I hope you don't mind, but if you do, there you have the literal translation.
There could be a warning about this feature it is both powefull and dangerous...
V3.7 in such short time... you code faster that I can write!
Best regards,
It will definetely look odd. But you can easily change it by hand. I do that all the time and I use a visual style for working on sections/plans that helps me see most of the differences and a fast method of updating them.
I can post it here with images if you'd like, its a very useful but complex set to assemble wich makes my worklow very fast after it is set. If by any chance your auto update would mess my sections i'd be dead, but your recent manual update is simply genious.
Trust me I'm totally satisfied with your plugin as it is, it would only be perfect with that small improvement.
NOTE FOR ALL BEGINNERS: I recently discovered Supersection on Extension Warehouse and I tell you, Supersection+SectionCutFace are a killer combo for superfast section/plan setting and LayOut integration!
PS: I didn't try your PT version, but when I set SectionCutFace-PT-PT.strings on my pc it didn't work. I had to change back its name to SectionCutFace-EN-UK.strings and then it worked. I have an english Sketchup and I like it that way. Maybe that's what's causing the problem?
AHAHA! Perfect!
This version is brilliant! This by itself is a better upgrade to Sketchup than any 2013 new features!
Just to take advantage of your coding rythm... would it be very hard to make it also available an option to "Reposition SectionCutFace" to context menu? The existing cut group would then move to match the respective moved section WITHOUT updating it.
Imagine the following scenario:
Anyway, if its to hard, don't bother, I already do it all by hand right now and live very well with it.
Many thanks!
Portuguese translation/TraduĆ§Ć£o portuguesa (PT-PT):
# Translation Constants used in SectionCutFace tool
# CONSTANT="Phrase"
# Only edit between the "", never change the CONSTANT=
# Make a copy of the -EN-US file with your own locale suffix
# e.g. it would be SectionCutFace-FR.strings for the French version
# Any empty lines and lines starting with a '#' are ignored
# Do not include ' or " within translated strings within the "..."
# CONSTANT="Translated Text"
DESC="Cria um Grupo com o Desenho de um Corte. O comando executa-se no Menu de Contexto (Rato Direito) sobre um Plano de Corte seleccionado. Na caixa de diĆ”logo surgem as opƧƵes para a Cor da Face, Arestas, seu Bloqueio e ActualizaĆ§Ć£o da face relativamente ao plano de corte."
MENUTXT="Nova FaceDeCorte"
MENUTXTOD="Refazer FaceDeCorte"
V8ERROR="Desculpe! Funciona apenas no Sketchup 8 ou superior..."
PARAMS="ParĆ¢metros da FaceDeCorte"
UPDATE="Actualizar a FaceDeCorte"
ADDING="Criar FaceDeCorte"
### Temp Cutter group name
DEFAULT="Sem Material"
NOFACE="Sem Face"
### Layer/Group Name prefix
### Dialog
KEEP="Manter todas as arestas"
HIDE="Esconder Arestas"
TITLE="ParĆ¢metros para a FaceDoCorte"
### EOF
Excellent plugin got even better!!!
However tried to edit SectionCutFace_loader.rb but had no success:
Best regards,
Why is this plugin not in Sketchucation Plugin Store?
It's a really useful one!
Best regards,
I can do that in Sketchup 8, but I only had doubles on 2013.
So I'm a victim now! I feel terrible...
That's a nice one. I should have looked better in that menu.
Thanks for the tip!
Thank you for your time!
What I was doing was that I was trying NOT TO install plugins from both sides. But it's been hard and my 8 hours trial evaporated in the process. Fortunately I tried Layout first just to be sure it was worth it...
NOTE1: zoom closer, multiple copies and some patterns that don't fill walls don't seem enough.
NOTE 2: 8 hours for trial is too little, as there are a lot of things one has to test to make sure the transition will be smooth.
Apart from that, I'm on Vista, and haven't got such button as "Compatibility Files". I can't check virtual store with your plugin right now because my trial time was over. I will try it after the process of uninstalling 2013 Pro so I can install SU Make instead, and
Anyway I think the problem has to do with double installed plugins in multiple folders, (I can even get toolbars with double icons). The fast and dirty process I had time to use so far was by managing plugins and extensions in Skechucation Plugin Store checking one by one wich ones were doubled.
See attached image:
I'm having a hardtime switching from Skethchup 8 to Sketchup 2013.
It's been troubling finding wich plugins I used in Sketchup 8 that are available in Sketchup 2013 through extension warehouse. It's an headache to get all my shortcuts working again...
Double problem as I have aditional folders for plugins to better manage core plugins and trial plugins.
Of course when Sketchucation Plugin Store showed up I took the chance to tidy up everything. Now Extension Warehouse is messing my main folder plugin and doubling some of my plugins.
Is it wise to completely drop Extension Warehouse and stick to good old Sketchucation Plugin Store?
I could always download plugins that are not available here, and install them manually.
Better even if we were able to draw linestyles directly in Sketchup.
A work around I use (not often) is to use the SU eraser tool with shift/control modifiers and a style with hidden lines turned on. The problem is that In LO those linestyles are only displayed in raster mode...
Thom Thom,
Joint Push Pull is excellent but it does one thing that is to force the generated mesh to keep the same number of edges and average shape of faces from the initial set of faces. This makes the plugin create unparallel faces.
As I tried to tell you about 1 year ago, your plugin is better at creating faces at an absolute distance from the initial ones, and then connecting them to make a continuous shell.
In the preview state it is absolutely brilliant... then sometimes it fails to generate the geometry shown in the preview...
For a regular shape JPP is accurate, for a mesh that does not need to be parallel to the original one, JPP is also better, but for creating a mesh wich is absolutely parallel, one has to use Normal Push Pull and then connect the faces manually (wich I recently discovered, can be easier if one uses extend trim faces plugin).
If both faces are absolutely parallel a lot more tasks are easier:
Sorry for insisting on this, but it would make my day if this plugin would become stable, and your plugin, with more development, could be the thing many of us need!
Thank you for your time and best regards,
I would prefer to create the grass effect by using a mask to make the base of the house transparent, using the "spiky grass-like brush" you mentioned with spray or airbrush tool.
If you are using Photshop you could also use the free transform tool to adjust perspective.
The shadows aspect is crucial though...
Have you tried report label areas plugin by Fredo?
Hello everyone,
I was trying to generate my first report on areas from a project I have and I came across this question.
Is it possible to report the area of a face minus the hole cutting component's areas attached to the face?
The entity info window reports them but I didn't find a way to do that on this tool.
Thank you fredo for all the unbelieveable tools... box stretching... perfect!
Dear TIG,
I'm divided between using Hole Punch tool or Double Cutting Components to create openings.
I've attached an image and .skp with details:
If Hole Punch Tool could automatically create steps 4 and 5 on image, we could have the best of both worlds.
If by any chance you were able to adapt the observers(!?) you use to connect faces and components, and make them connect both components as in step 7,then Hole Punch Tool would be, in my modest opinion, a revolution in the way people model windows in Sketchup.
Of course I'm totally incapable of coding, so I'll be looking forward for your reply... ansiously!
Best regards,
Sorry Brewsky, I haven't had time to test your plugin further, as I promised, but I'm going to do that ASAP.
It's been a while since I test your plugin. It has improved a lot! The interface is looking good and uncluttered and seems practical. However the plugin does not seem to fit to real use yet.
Are you still aiming at that or have you stopped developing it?
The things I find difficult to handle are the following:
The plugin is great in defining thickness for any kind of geometry I throw at it. This for itself would be a great addition to Sketchup if only the remove BIM Properties button would do that. The problem is that, when I remove those properties, somethings still remain there and mess with the model later. Sometimes it creates a bugsplat, sometimes it shows new geometry. Would it be possible to remove everything and keep only the groups the plugin created?
Sometimes when changing wall thickness Sketchup simply crashes;
When one applies different materials to the inner and outer faces, they disappear if you insert a window or redefine thickness;
When inserting a window it correctly creates the opening with thickness. However if one wants to define a different opening inside and outside, the best way to do that would be by inserting the opening in the inner wall in a process similar as the one shown in the next link:
In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to create a component (more exactly a complex component) that can cut the holes on both the outer and inner faces of a thick wall in SketchUp.
The problem is, if you insert any kind of component on the inner wall, it will soon disappear in the workflow and lead to a bugsplat in the long run.
If you want I can submit you some models for examples of what I am trying to tell you about.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks Fredo for this very useful plugin.
I've noticed something strange though:
I have created two folders outside the program files directory:
Original Folder - is the standard plugin's folder and had only your plugin.
Folder 1 - has all my plugins
Folder 2 - has the plugins I am testing and may delete
I noticed the projections_v2 plugin was not working although it displayed all the icons on the toolbar. It was the only one. I moved it to the Original Folder with its tassociated folder (wich in this case had the .png icon files and a .rbs). When I did that the plugin started working but all the icons were gone from the toolbar. I copied the icon files from the Original Folder to Folder 1, keeping the same file struture. Everything is correct now.
I noticed the same thing happening to another plugin that I was testing and was in Folder 2, (pointool.rb) but this does not happen to all plugins.
Is it possible that Sketchup is assuming that Folder 1 is the main plugin folder? Is it possible that there are multiple ways of assigning paths inside plugins and some of those ways are causing those errors?
For me the problem no longer exists, but it may interest you. Thanks again and best regards.