Thanks for the explanation.
My answer would still be no, because I don't store any of my data in that way, and I doubt I will in the foreseeable future. And if you're of a mind to worry about them losing your data, why would you use them, apart from as a backup?
I don't worry about my credit card details being hacked from a company like PayPal or Amazon. I think that if my CC number was hacked then the credit card company would reimburse any costs anyway.
I've only ever had one issue with a credit card being used fraudulently, and that was partly down to me anyway. I left a credit card in a glovebox and forgot about it. A month or so later my car was broken into and the card stolen and used. So the first I knew of the card being stolen was when I saw around 1,000 pounds on my statement. I called the company, and they said the balance was at around 3,000 pounds. But they said they knew there was an issue with the card being stolen, so they pretty much wiped the debt right away.
I do think that it's far more likely that people lose their info because of something they do, rather than one of these servers being hacked or going down. Most servers will have offsite backups and have numerous sites, rather than putting everything in one building.