You can still model for Google Earth. You just turn off the auto generated layer and it reverts back to the buildings that were accepted for GE at the time of the switch. The only change is that Google aren't accepting any new buildings. But you can still upload to the 3DW to share your models.
RE: GE Modelling is soon over
RE: Crap 'Artists Impressions' ...
A street view screen grab with the sculpture model superimposed would have been far superior to that SU rendering.
I do think that that roundabout is a completely inappropriate place for a large sculpture. But the positioning of the model in SU is ridiculous. The barriers are extremely large and there is a wide distance between the barriers so the sculpture needs to go between the barriers, it can't be behind them as they are in the model.
I don't think they are particularly bad, they just look like really quick models to me. Definitely not suitable for publication, and they've only probably been published because they were free and the newspapers are churned out quickly and will accept any rubbish picture they can.
RE: Transform a texture into another texture in an animation!
I vaguely remember a preview post of a plugin that allowed animated gif's to be used in SU models, but I don't remember ever seeing it coming out. I figure they couldn't manage to get it to work. I think the example they used was of a fireplace.
RE: Lad musician - Nagoya
@rich o brien said:
Incredible but where do you plug in the vacuum?
You vacuum wood and concrete floors?
RE: SketchUp 2013 ;)
@aerilius said:
@chiefwoodworker said:
So far Trimble gets a failing grade from me for its influence on SketchUp.
In what way does Trimble show a different influence than Google? I don't see any influence.
There's a famous saying in Germany: "You can't rebuild in 10 years what has been rotting for 40 years" (meant about the previous eastern Germany).
I think it fits well to SketchUp. The transition to Trimble has cost a lot of time, effort and resources to rebuild infrastructure that is not yet visible to many. A lot of the foundations of SketchUp have been renewed (latest build systems, UI framework) which is the foundation for something new. While the development team has been continuously grown at a rapid rate, I'd expect visible changes to appear through the Extension Warehouse. This is the way through which Trimble and SketchUp give you new tools.I remember someone claiming one of the Google releases as one of these "under the hood" improvements that we'd soon be reaping rewards from. I didn't believe it then. I don't believe it now.
Trimble have rolled out two "new releases" where the major difference has been a new logo and now a new name. Quite frankly the Trimble releases haven't been worth the download bandwidth and the time that it takes to set up plugins and toolbars.
I don't have ANY faith that Trimble are going to make improvements. Sketchup as it is now is pretty much all SU will ever be.
RE: Help with Adobe Photoshop or Alternatives to it
@box said:
Oddly John, I'm struggling to find the point let alone the helpful part of your post.
I was just wondering why he bought software that offers a free trial without actually trialling it first. He claims to be a cheapskate, yet he probably spent $80 on software that he found was of no use to him. He could have taken the free trial and found that out for absolutely nothing.
RE: Help with Adobe Photoshop or Alternatives to it
@fcborik said:
I'm trying to learn how to modify textures and do some post processing of renders, and a lot of the research that I've been doing leads me to Adobe Photoshop. I recently looked up their products, and being a newbie (and a bit of a cheapskate), I bought something called "Light Room" based on the features that it seemed to offer and the price. Unfortunately, it seems to do NOTHING that I want...
Adobe offer a free trial of Light Room. In fact, most software companies offer free trials of their software. Why did you buy it without having a trial first?
RE: Did Google Earth Just Take away all Models?
It's been like that for a while in certain areas. Big cities like San Fransisco and Los Angeles. Those buildings are auto generated using new software and aerial photographs.
Personally I think the software is a step backwards for Google Earth. It makes every building look like Frank Gehry built it. I think it will come good in the future, but personally I don't feel it should have been released to the public in the state it's in now. There was supposed to be improvements to the technology soon after it was implemented, but I haven't seen any,
Building Maker is also being binned. In June I think,
RE: Question: App for Android
If it's an architectural model you can show it on Google Earth.
If you can export the model as an obj file then 3D Model Viewer is pretty clean and simple. I think all faces need to be triangles, so keep that in mind.
Building Maker being retired June 1st
I was just checking out whether there had been any new models from Huddersfield on the 3D Warehouse. There was one new one, I clicked on it and it said it was made with the Building Maker. So I opened up building maker and yes, you are able to create models with Building Maker in just a small town like Huddersfield now.
But with that pleasant shock there's also the unpleasant one that Google are discontinuing Building Maker after June 1st 2013.
I haven't used BM that much, much prefer SU and my SU use has been neglected over the last couple of years. But I'm still disappointed that BM is being ditched. IMO the new automatic generation of 3D models hasn't been sufficiently developed yet to be able to take over from user generated content, but I guess Google have just got bored of the project and are just dumping it now.
RE: Best goal ever?
It's one of the finest pieces of skill, but in no way is it one of the best goals.
The absolutely terrible goalkeeping ruins it in a big way for me. That was awful goalkeeping, primary school level. Two defenders would have beaten Ibra to the ball, if Hart had stayed in his area he would have had an easy catch and been able to boot it downfield. Instead he runs out of the area to head the ball to Ibra, plays his team mates out of the game and plays himself out of the game.
The fact that it only came about from terrible goalkeeping, the fact it was late in a friendly, in a match pretty much already won, means it wasn't even important in terms of the game. The context of a goal is important for me.
RE: Speke...
@tadema said:
Now you know why those Tudor's looked so miserable living in such a depressing looking building as this. John
I think that looks like a fantastic place to live.
If it wasn't in Liverpool.
RE: Linkin park - burn it down
It's my favourite song on their new album, which is a huge improvement on their last.
RE: Is anyone following the Apple v Samsung battle?
@mike lucey said:
BTW, I think if Steve Jobs was still at the helm, this Apple v Samsung circus would not have escalated to this level.
"Steve Jobs said he wanted to destroy Android and would spend all of Apple's money and his dying breath if that is what it took to do so."
RE: A very good reason to have kids?
You develop immunity because you're getting sick nearly every year because the kids pick up the bugs at school. You might gain later on in life because you've built that immunity, but it will be at the cost of getting ill more times in the first place.
A good reason to have kids? An 18+ year sentence of taking care of kids or getting ill from flu a few times. I'll take the flu, thanks.
RE: Android Incredible 2
@goatboy said:
Surely there is a way to present a full SU model on an Android device? (ROFL)
Google Earth.
RE: Never upload your work to 3D warehouse!!!
@nick c said:
Posting an exact copy is a violation of Googles own policey and if they take no action or no one cares, that is hardy my fault. I didn't make the rules for the site, Google did.
But i have learnt one things from this whole experience of posting on this Forum and the replies.
Never upload or give anything away for free.
Don't worry, i am off. I don't want to be part of this forum. Where everyone defends copying and google for not upholding their own site policey's.
bye Bye
I'll be honest and say I was completely wrong about you. I'd have put money on you being a teenage boy with your attitude and the way you come across.
But I just looked at your website and you're clearly not a kid, you're over 40 years old. Seriously, what type of life have you lead that means you react like this to this trivial nonsense? I dread to think how many times you've been beaten up if you act in real life like you have on here.