You need to use something like "Object2VR" or similar.
RE: Create reverse 360 degree view
RE: Modelling an Island using SubD & Vertex Tools?
You could model the island automatically with photogrammetry, using the pictures from the drone.
RE: Startup Lag
I'd guess it's either Sketchup checking online for updates/license, or an extension doing so.
Try disabling your extensions. -
RE: Which Remote Desktop App?
I use "Chrome Remote Desktop".
It's very easy to use. It's Google Authentification, so very secure.
I find it faster/smoother than TeamViewer. -
RE: Make Inishturk Great Again
@jql said:
There's growing fear, growing xenophoby, growing poverty and social unbalance here and these are fundamental ingredients for the greatest calamities possible.
I'm more than convinced that these are products of neoliberalism, and in Europe the EU is by far its best vector.
I'm sure that these issues would vanish by themselves over time if we lived in a more social, democratic, people-driven EU.@jql said:
That's why a trade union isn't enough, we need more values that unite us and that's also why I don't look at EU's exodus as a good thing.
That's why I think we should think about how to build a better EU even before leaving the current one.
RE: Make Inishturk Great Again
I'm all with you with the symbolic meaning of the EU. Unfortunately, I'm convinced that we cannot change its nature as is. It's too complicated, there are too many barriers.
We can't go back on the treaties, as unanimity is required. All 28 countries have to agree. It's rather easy for the politicians in charge to get new treaties signed, as they are all pretty much on the same page : free market, less social laws, making it easier for multinational corporations, less democracy, etc.
But if the people think one treaty was a mistake, good luck to change that. Our only option is to get out, we can't change the EU from the inside. Not to mention the laws decided by the commission which have to be applied in the countries within a few months/years delay.
Sure, it was advertised with nice ideas and symbols to get people on board, but it was not designed with the people in mind. And surely it was not designed for the people to be able to change it.
The EU is so undemocratic that if it was a country, it could not be accepted in the EU...For me, the EU as it is today is a neoliberal trap (look how Syriza was crushed) from which we should get out asap. This doesn't mean war, this doesn't mean people can't move, this doesn't mean we'll stop trading, this doesn't mean we can't rebuild it better with the people in mind (and not finance).
Now, getting out just for the sake of getting out, without a project in mind, is probably not a good idea right now. Like Brexit which was defended only be the far-right politicians. But I do think an exit from the left is possible.
RE: Make Inishturk Great Again
@jql said:
What EU means is much more than trade. I can't see myself not being able to travel freely to spain anymore wich are my neighbours, my friends, my brothers now much more than ever before, when we were truly oponents and enemies for centuries.
Do we really need EU for that? We didn't wait for it to travel between countries. Norway and Switzerland are not in the EU but part of the Schengen Space and we can travel to these just like any other place in the EU.
Agreeing for free travel of people, or trade deals, doesn't mean we have to comply to a very un-democratic (borderline authoritarian) beast. The elected parliament is virtually useless. The not-elected commission can bypass it, and has to authorize any decision the parliament takes...
Not to mention the Euro, which is a nonsense to me, but that is actually a separate thing from the EU. -
RE: V-Ray 3.0
If you came to the 3D Basecamp, you'd have seen that it's not quite at all
RE: [Plugin] Skalp for SketchUp v2.0 (live section plugin)
At Basecamp, they publicly said that they expected v1.5 to ship within 3 weeks.
It was 10 days ago. -
RE: The "Duh!" thread (aka the Doh! thread)
Nobody, I'm just wondering
RE: The "Duh!" thread (aka the Doh! thread)
Are you bringing these to the Basecamp?
RE: [REQ/Q?] Flattening and exporting scenes as skp files.
Well, if you run it a few times, the dimensions along the axis will get smaller than the tolerance, and Sketchup will merge everything.
I think... -
RE: [REQ/Q?] Flattening and exporting scenes as skp files.
That scales the model on the Z axis to something close to 0 (actually 0.00001). So make sure to run in a few times to be sure that any vertical dimension gets smaller than Sketchup's tolerance.
RE: Icons
Maybe a custom method to read SVG files and draw them in openGL could be doable.
RE: Animator Gallery
I believe animated proxies is already possible in Vray (with vrmesh animated in another software)
RE: Welcome to Animator Beta Testers
Thanks for the invitation! I'll test it ASAP