That promo video felt so BS... I'm curious to see how it actually works with the Hololens.

RE: SketchUp and Hololens?
RE: The "Duh!" thread (aka the Doh! thread)
Everyone know that deep down, groups and components are the same.
RE: Basecamp
Je vais pas faire de présentation, mais j'aurai une table de vendeur.
RE: [IDEA] Skatter + MS physics ?
You can do just that
Use Skatter to place the objects, then use SP/MSPhysics on the generated objects. -
RE: Skatter is out !
You can find plenty of objects on the 3D Warehouse. But it is indeed hard to find free or cheap quality content.
Take a look at the SketchUcation store, there's some really good stuff there for very little price (or even free if you're a Premium member)We're working with big content providers to bring their libraries into the Sketchup world.
RE: Find out if point is inside solid
Maybe this could help:
@unknownuser said:
General strategy: pick a ray from the query point to a random direction, and count the number of times the ray intersects a face. If it intersects an odd number of times, the given point must have been inside the polyhedron.
RE: SubD examples and models
Now when Thomthom hits on a girl
"Hey Girl, let me say you've got a beautiful topology!" wink wink -
RE: Sortez la tondeuse! Skatter est sorti!
@dimitry said:
Par contre, je me demande si c'est pas trop gourmand en ressource carte graphique vu le nombre de poly affichés quand tu fais une étendue d'herbes.
C'est tout l'intérêt de l'option "Render only". Skatter envoie toutes les infos directement au moteur de rendu, comme ça le fichier Sketchup reste très léger.
RE: Skatter is out !
@solo said:
so how about adding an IVY maker to your awesome Skatter
It would actually be way easier to improve the existing Ivy plugin.
It can easily take advantage of the framework that we've put in place for Skatter, to have its own "Render only" feature (for the leaves at least).All we need is permission from its creator to modify it, or have him do it directly.
If you can convince him, I'll be happy to help. -
RE: Subd at Render Time?
This is literally in discussion between TT and a bunch of render engines developers
(and other people interested in this subject)
RE: SubD examples and models
@thomthom said:
however the SU API doesn't provide access to the GL pipeline.
Tomasz did it! It needs some heavy hacking, but your colleagues in the core team may help you?
If you do succeed, I'd love to know how
RE: Sortez la tondeuse! Skatter est sorti!
Par contre une version démo ne devrait pas tarder
Skatter is out !
Skatter v1 is finally here!
Skatter is a powerfull scattering extension for SketchUp.
Render hundreds of thousands of objects without overloading SketchUp. Scatter them parametrically or paint them by hand, while keeping control over collisions, camera clipping, rotation, scale, translation, randomness and density based on altitude, slope, falloffs and more.Learn all about it :
RE: What if unwrapping sketchup models was kinda easy....
"We want to see Skatter here also"?