Was wondering if anyone here has experience with, or has used the Moasure device. We're thinking about getting one and was wondering what other peoples experience with them had been?
Anyone using Moasure for field measuring?
RE: 20 Reasons for SketchUp artists to consider Blender
@measuredmove said:
Great Timing...a local Adult Education Centre is having a 20-hr introduction to Blender/3D Animation this Fall. Hopefully I can get signed up.
I am SO looking forward to actually having a real person teach the course instead of trying to learn (yet another) modelling/rendering/animation program on my own. I always feel I've figured out just enough to get going but miss alot of the good stuff too.Where are you that you have a Education Center that offers such a course. Thats awesome. I sure wish there was something like that around where I'm at. Just doesn't ever seem to work that way.
RE: Blender forum in sketchucation
Looking forward to the new Blender sub-forum. The 2.8 UI overhaul is unbelievable. Kudos all around for the blender devs that worked on that. Can't wait for more Blender topics....
In response to some threads above about DAE vs OBJ. I've been having good luck with DAE imports from SU. It places all objects in an "empty" and scales the empty to the correct units. Haven't had any problems with duplicate faces.
Now I'm just trying to figure out how to deal with "empty" object types in Blender.
RE: My Blender journey
Lynda.com has some blender tutorials available. I've tried learning it several times now. Just can't seem to wrap my head around that program.
RE: Problems with Blender 3ds imports
I could be wrong on this, but I believe 3ds has a limitation on the number of faces a file is able to hold. I think it's 64000
RE: Some Doors and Windows for you all (Update)
Thank you. These are great.
Is there a way to shortcut Explode..
Maybe I'm just not seeing it or I'm just having one of those days. I thought you could create a shortcut to the explode command. Like assign the letter x on the keyboard to it. It isn't listed in the shortcut area of SU preferences. Could someone enlighten me on this.
Maybe it was just all a dream.
RE: A new home for SketchUp
I too question Trimbles commitment to communities like ArchVis and woodworking. I hope I'm proven wrong.
RE: SketchUp 9
@marian said:
SU 9 will be the same as SU 8 with somewhat improved performance and stability that none will notice at first. It will likely have a cool new feature that everyone will be crazy about and another 2 features that will be practically unusable or unpopular in the long run.
I don't don't think we have to worry ourselves with SU9 being too cool for us to handle.
amen to that
Whats a good laptop for SU
I'm looking at new laptops and was wondering which processor and video combo to look for. Most of the on the shelf laptops at Best Buy have the Intel HD series of video chip sets. Does this run SU decently?
RE: Anyone using Lumion w/ Sketchup
Just got the OK to purchase Lumion. Going to pick up a GTX560 tonight and get Lumion tomorrow.
RE: Anyone using Lumion w/ Sketchup
Thanks everyone. Sounds like Lumion delivers what it promises. I've been playing a little bit with the free version but my graphics card is horribly underrated for it. Almost to the point of not working, had some pretty severe crashes with it. Not blaming Lumion, I know its the card being pushed to do things it's not suited for.
Thanks to everyone who commented. Great community, great people here.
RE: Anyone using Lumion w/ Sketchup
What if any caveats are there in lumion. There website is impressive, but how much post processing, if any, went into those vids on there. My goal is to do no post processing as we just don't have the time or means to do that.
We plan on upgrading the graphics card in my machine to whatever lumion recommends but will still be running it on an WinXP machine. How bad is that going to hurt on performance.
Really just want to know how big a machine it takes to run it effectively, and does it live up everything it says it can deliver.
If there is anything else you want to add, I'm listening.
Anyone using Lumion w/ Sketchup
We're looking at purchasing Lumion and was looking for some advice and info from people who have used SU and Lumion together.
RE: Video flickering...
Just exported another animation with all the improvements mentioned above and it is exactly the same. I'm going to chalk this up to SU just being SU and move on.
Thanks for the help.
RE: Video flickering...
Here is the link to youtube
thanks for looking at it. In particular the trees flicker almost all the time, but at about 0:40 thru 1:30 it gets really bad with things flashing.
I'm on the most current release of SU, and have done many animations before without this problem.
Video flickering...
I have exported a SU animation and the trees flicker badly. Is this the shadow bug or what am I doing wrong. I would upload it but it's 100 megs. I figure someone on here has dealt with this before. Any help is appreciated.