It must be large address aware then, because it soaks up way more then 2gb of ram... Time to upgrade!
RE: Render this: Kitchen
RE: Render this: Kitchen
They say RAM should do the trick. Its a separate application from Sketchup, and at this point, its not a 64 bit app (At least I am assuming because its in the x86 install folder)
If I am correct, it won't be able to use more then 3gig of RAM because its not 64 bit? So upgrading to 8 would actually help, because just having my system loaded up eats up about 1.5 gig....
RE: Render this: Kitchen
Oh yeah, this program has definitely made me reconsider my stance!
I am now just trying to figure out the best way to upgrade my machine to decrease render time. I can get an 800x600 render in about 15 minutes if its complicated. If I want something at 1080p though, it can take hours.
I have an AMD Phenom Black edition quad core 3.0ghz processor, but only 4 gig or RAM, I think the RAM is the thing that is holding me back at this point.
RE: Render this: Kitchen
Thanks! I have tried my hand at quite a few render softwares, and I am having a lot of success with Shaderlight. What you are seeing is literally my fourth or fifth render from it.
RE: Render this: Kitchen
My night time version of this kitchen, done again in Shaderlight. There are under and over cabinet lights, three cans behind the table, one under the crazy lamp, and firelight from the adjacent room.
I've got a few more Shaderlight renderings here:
RE: Ripples In Water
Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that one! Thanks!
RE: Render this: Kitchen
I'll throw my hat into the ring here....
This is using Shaderlight. I didn't add any artificial light at all. Just the natural light from the outside HDRI image.
I've got another view brewing now I will post in a bit.
RE: Ripples In Water
Thanks ThomThom, I love the follow me example, I think that is going to work best for what I am trying to accomplish.
Your bitmap to mesh plugin is pretty cool as well, I am going to check that out. It could be useful for renders!
Ripples In Water
Does anyone out there know of an easy way to make a surface shaped like ripples in water? I tried using the sandbox and smoove, and I can get a reasonable approximation of what I am looking for, but its not the easiest approach.
RE: DC "Flipping" Script
As far as sub components, it would be any sub components that reference the axis of the most top level component. And sub component that references an axis from another sub component that is below the top level wouldn't need to be changed.
RE: DC "Flipping" Script
Oh yeah, there are always sub components, that's what makes this so hard to do. If I was just changing top level stuff, the script wouldn't be needed.
RE: DC "Flipping" Script
Ahh ok, but a script that would say go through a change all the "LenX" references to "LenY" references would be fairly easy?
RE: DC "Flipping" Script
That would be really cool if axes could be rotated....
As far as changing snippets of formulas, is it impossible with the API, or just really friggin hard?
RE: DC "Flipping" Script
Ok, I am seeing what you are thinking. Flipping would be awesome, because then, like I said, I could change the gluing plane of DC's without having to rebuild them.
Later on, something that would mirror DC's would be killer, but that's a lot of math to wrap your brain around! (and how do you change small sections of formulas, instead of just swapping them around?)
RE: DC "Flipping" Script
Lets say you took the above DC and rotate the axis about the Blue axis. In other words, you switched the direction of the green and red axis, leaving the blue one in the same direction. For the DC not to "Blow up" you'd need to switch every Red axis formula with Green axis references and vica versa, leaving the blue ones alone.
Doing this manually is really tedious and dangerous, even on a simple DC such as this one.
RE: DC "Flipping" Script
Ok, so here's a fairly basic DC. If I change the axis of the DC, it "blows up" because all of the formula's are referencing an axis that has changed.
Pull this into your model, and use it to see how it works. Then, right click on it, and change the orientation of the axis and then try to use it again, you'll see what happens.
RE: DC "Flipping" Script
Ok, let me see if I can explain this a little better.
You have a Dynamic component. So lets say you drew a wall cabinet that you want glued to just vertical surfaces (walls). To get the gluing to work correctly, you have to draw your DC on the ground plane, face up. So for a wall cabinet component to glue itself to a vertical surface, and be facing the right way, its Z, or blue axis has to be the "depth" of the wall cabinet.
So far, this is really easy to do. But, DC's are more complicated. You have the main component (the Wall cabinet) and then a ton of sub components. Things like doors, sides, backs, face frames, etc. All of these components reference off of the axis of the main component.
So lets say that I want to take this wall cabinet, and turn it into a base cabinet, because I have spent hours and hours building a wall cabinet. To do this, I need to glue to the floor. Since currently this wall cabinet has its vertical, or blue axis set as the "depth" of the cabinet, when I place it on the floor, it sits on the floor, face up, which is no good. The only way to fix this is to change the axis of the component so that the Z, or blue axis is vertical, or the "height" of the cabinet, rather then the depth. This is all good on "dumb" components, but since every sub component relies on referencing information on the size of the main component, it "blows up" when you change the axis.
The only way to fix this you have to manually swap the formulas in every sub component over and over again. Its really, really tedious, and usually results in errors. What Scott was saying at Basecamp is that its totally possible with the API to create some sort of script that can take a DC, as the user where they want the axis, and "flip" all the formulas that would need to be changed in order to make the DC work again.
Does that make sense?
RE: DC "Flipping" Script
Maybe this post would be more at home in the Dynamic Components sub forum?
DC "Flipping" Script
At Basecamp, I attended Scott's Dynamic Component discussion. One of the frustrations expressed for people that create dynamic components was the ability to "flip" them.
Here is the nature of the problem:
Lets say you draw a door that you want glued to a wall, but you draw that door as it would in installed, vertically. You then spend hours figuring out all of your formulas, only to realize that when you set your component to glue to a surface, it is the wrong way. Normally, with a dumb component, you can just flip the axis and you're all set. With a DC, if you do that, you blow it up because all the formulas reference off of the axis.
Apparently, one could write a script to "flip" a DC automagically, however its above my head. This script could be useful for not only fixing mistakes, but for the DC's I build, it would allow me to create DC's for different situations.
Anyone feeling up to the challenge? (Chris, Thomthim, Whaaat, are you listenting?
RE: Basecamp Blog Post
I am planning on getting as many pictures as I can, so I'd be happy to share them on whatever sociaal media would make the most sense...