@bob james said:
This is just the latest in many tries.
Help :?
Hi Bob, some more things to try...
There are basically 8 ways ( that could give your expected outcome) for any 4 loose profiles (16 if you add surfaces to each, 32 if you don't mind Scaling the length or width back after processing )- Most give either normals or reversed identical copies, some differ and that might be the one you want.
What I've done with stubborn ones is
save them into a new drawing, scale x 10, explode curves, re-Weld, moveCopy of each line out-board by a fraction
you now have 8 line segments, 4 attached + 4 unattached, name or number them, (e.g. L1,L2; T1,T2; R1,R2; B1,B2),
if you really want to be methodical, make 8, 16 or 32 sets of this, side by side, cut and paste in place (just to be sure there clean)
go through all combinations i.e. L1-T1-L2-B2 and name the new group after each combination is used, if you don't want to scale back to size use attached lines as you rails for the first 8 sets
If none work at all you probably have a ruby class, i get some issues if I've used certain tools to make the curves, but closing and reopening the drawing clears those and I also had a problem selectonopen. rb so I binned it and use the space bar.
this plugin is worth getting to know, it's very,very useful ...
PS. to speed things up click no all pop-ups, and then you have a proper record of what does what.