Hi all
I'm running SU V2014 and VRfSU V2sp1.
I want to create a proxy library of 3D trees. Many of the the models share the same materials.
I create each proxy from importing .3DS into blank SU file, and materials come in as as they should.
When i add more than 1 proxy to a model, duplicate materials are added with new numbers, even though the multi-materials only reference the correct ones.
This doesn't seem to affect the rendering - even when i remove the duplicates, but i don't really want a whole lot of useless mats in my material editor, especially when potentially placing a lot of trees. Duplicates stay when purged, in SU material pallette or VR material editor
This doesn't happen when using normal SU components.q
Hopefully the images help illustrate my issue - hopefully this makes sense!
Thanks in advance for any help 