Duplicate materials with Proxies
Hi all
I'm running SU V2014 and VRfSU V2sp1.
I want to create a proxy library of 3D trees. Many of the the models share the same materials.
I create each proxy from importing .3DS into blank SU file, and materials come in as as they should.
When i add more than 1 proxy to a model, duplicate materials are added with new numbers, even though the multi-materials only reference the correct ones.
This doesn't seem to affect the rendering - even when i remove the duplicates, but i don't really want a whole lot of useless mats in my material editor, especially when potentially placing a lot of trees. Duplicates stay when purged, in SU material pallette or VR material editor
This doesn't happen when using normal SU components.q
Hopefully the images help illustrate my issue - hopefully this makes sense!
Thanks in advance for any help
I've sent reports on this bug, or what I think is a bug. For now, just be conscious of it and either create unique names or you will have to remap the textures if needed. SU creates the 1,2,3,etc for the duplicates but VR does not remap those changes to the IDs in your proxies. I do the same thing with "Branch" "Bark" "Leaf" and things get screwed up when I import different tree types. It's probably best to have TREE01 with TRUCK01, LEAF01, etc. Just to be clean about it.
Thanks Valero,
I'll keep that in mind and wait for any progress.
using 'force sync all materials' then using Cleanup³ seems to help...