Cool script. Does it support metric?
RE: Greeble Beta (Updated Feb-06-2009)
RE: Looking for a Texture tutorial
Oh and I found this one. cheaper than Crazybump.
RE: Looking for a Texture tutorial
From this file I used Crazybump and made these files
Now which one of these files corresponds to what in VRay? I know the 1st one is displacement... but the rest...
RE: Snow in London
Cool i was around Hoxton last night too
. It was amazing to see this much snow in London.
RE: [Plugin] Archiland Toolbar
Cadfather, care to do a guide on how to create Icons and use them with rubies? I like icon interface and would love to help out.
RE: Interesting 3D Procedural City Visualization
I am guess the procedure city generator would be great any type of urban visualization and yeah if you can afford the program you sure can afford a kick-ass computer. One of my tutor who works for SOM has a super dupers quadro 5800 based workstation and wonders why i can't draw complicated stuff like he does on Rhino... What can i say.
RE: I thought this building was cool...
Thats the naughy corner for all those Zaha detractors.
RE: The curruption will (did) prevail - rant
Personaly 'bondage' to government that people voted for is better than 'bondage' that would happen to any other powers that be without representation. Remember modern government came from feudal serfdom. Which do you think is worse? Oh I forgot the US has rather short memory. I can never understand this blind devotion to private enterprise. Even Adam Smith warned against the dangers of unfettered private enterprise. If you ever get to watch the documentary it is pretty conclusive that financial institutions abuse of 'securitization' are to blame for the current financial crises.
RE: I thought this building was cool...
@edson said:
dear chango,
this is a looooog discussion, one that i have had with sepo a long time ago in this very forum. it confronts two ways of seeing architecture which, by their very nature, can hardly agree on any matter.
let me just say one camp has the looks of the building as its main goal, the other sees appearance as the result of a long process of adjustment to a series of circumstances and constraints.
p.s.: i shall be away for a couple of days so do not take my silence as disrespect.
Surely that rests on if her buildings are functionally poor performers. Whilst there are certain evidence of that being the case I feel i'll have to go see for myself so I am reserving judgement. Perhaps I will have a more informed opinion after my visit in March.
RE: I thought this building was cool...
As architects designing spaces with prescribed function is our primary goal without a doubt. However the deliberate way in which modernism (international) went against aethetics (see Ornament and Crime) is in hindsight a mistake and an over-reaction to certain historical circumstance. You say function never determine form but what if the function can be stylized into a formal set of language? Even Le Corbusier in his late period began to move away from the formal language of international modernism. To many young architects Zaha's irreverence to prescribed form can be a breath of fresh air. At the end of the day a building doesn't have to be architecture just because it performs a function. It is its tectonic and form that makes it so. I am not dismissing function, its just that it isn't the most important thing either. I actually really like architects like Ben van Berkel of UN Studio fame. He combines function, form and tectonic into one seemless whole. It is what really inspires me. I am not a Zaha fan, but I do feel she has her place in the spectrum of architectural production. Why dismiss her just because you don't agree with her? I feel such hostility when you talk about her work. She isn't the worst of the 'Starchitect' bunch. What is it that you can't get with? Does her building perform really that badly? I will have an opportunity to visit the Phæno Science Centre in Wolfsburg, Germany in March. Perhaps I will yet come around to your view
RE: Swordfish
Maybe some kind of lens blur or motion blur will add to the atmosphere are realism. My 2 cents.
RE: Interesting 3D Procedural City Visualization
We this is probably more useful to big offices or city council that deals with urban planning. Yes, not cheap...
RE: [VRay] Texture problem
@thomthom said:
@chango70 said:
Just downloaded and installed VRay V1.5. Does the render make background black for you?
Yes, by default it does. They changed the default settings so it doesn't use the Sky or the Physical Camera. To use the old default settings load the 'sketchup_default' setting.
Thx for the reply. I was too hasty as it came as bit of a shock to see my rendering go black. I am beginning to figure out the settings now sorry for the bother.