hi there, its normal that in su 2024 it does not work with nested geometry? groupds and instances only are supported with one depth step
RE: [Plugin] TextureRandomizer
RE: [Plugin]Draw Slope Normals.rb-v1.4-Mar 28,2013.
hi there together
still a great plugin - however i wonder if its possible to edit the script so it shows the slope in percentage? and i wonder if it would be possilbe to modernise it so it uses the overlay function of the latest sketchup??if anyone can helpt me i would be very happy - im currently trying to edit it on my own with some help of the infamous chat gpt - but from i learned in the forum this is not said to be very effective
will see if anyone can help, im willed to share some cookies ofc!
fa -
RE: [Plugin] FredoSketch - v1.5a - 31 Dec 24
super cool
if i could add one wish to it - make vertex selection possible for multiple groups/componnents ...
maybe kind of like this
preselect or not, set active or nested also, make rectangle selection, move vertices...
why would this be usefull? when we want to stretch complicated elements whre there is no real good "section plane for the stretch"...
thx - amazing work as always!!
RE: [Plugin] !AdditionalPluginFolders - v5.4a - 27 Sep 20
hi there
i have just installed two of tomtoms plugins over the sketchupdacion store in a additional plugin folder
the skethcup extension manager shows the plugins and wants to update them, but it gives this error message
also the plugins cant be uninstalled via the extensionmanager
> it would be super if the two could be made compatible
RE: [Plugin] FredoTools::ThruPaint - v1.3a - 20 Oct 16
hi there,
is it possible to turn off that sound when "picking" materials from the scene?
i have looked inside the pluginfolder if maybe i find a sound file that i coud just delete
best, franz
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoCorner - v2.7a - 31 Mar 24
@fredo6 said:
@bsfranza said:
i have a problem, the fredo corner toolbar does not show up?!
in the extension manager its shown, also in sketchucatino licence manager etc, plugin manager, .. its tehre everywhere but i cant get the "toolbar" or menue items to show up?! also removing the plugina and reinstalling from rbz dos not help :I
Did you install the companion library LibFredo6?
oh silly me :I .. sorry for stealing your time - i have installed the library now it works as expected...
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoCorner - v2.7a - 31 Mar 24
hey there,
i have a problem, the fredo corner toolbar does not show up?!
in the extension manager its shown, also in sketchucatino licence manager etc, plugin manager, .. its tehre everywhere but i cant get the "toolbar" or menue items to show up?! also removing the plugina and reinstalling from rbz dos not help :I
im running the latest su 2021..
any help much appreciated,
best, bsfranz
Using reshade.me for sketchup
hi there,
i am currently trying to get the reshade post processing framework and filters to run with sketchup..
why? because it would be so cool to inject some ambient occlusion or soft-shadows etc inside of su
unfortunately with sketchup 2020 and the latest 4.6.3 reshade library, installing is possible, it shows even some text inside of su, but the options cant be opened...
i have made a thread in the forum of reshade.me and also in the official sketchup forum.. maybe some guys with skills and the necessary knowledge can help get this started and running!!
best, franza
RE: [Plugin] Unhide ALL (Edges) - Inside Groups / Components ???
hi there,
with sketchup 2020 we now have isolate which is pretty cool...
and toggle visible active (whatever thats for - i have not found out what this is intended for so far) ...however, the su internal unhide command still does not unhide recursively all inside groups and components ...
so here is my humble request > make it possible to unhide all recursively except for softend edges
often times edges are hidden inside groups or components on purpose and its bad when thhat information is lost due to a unhide all command...
maybe you can add a seperate command to this plugin
thx and all best, franz
RE: [Plugin] Component Properties
Oo - i have to up this once more
make the magic work on multiple components at once!
RE: [Plugin] CleanUp
Hi there,
@ Thomthom, i have two small feature requests/ ideas that i was hoping you could think about...
Problem description; i use the cleanup features delete coplanar, repair edge and delete lines not connected to any other geometry regularly via shortcuts... which is super and really helpful, however, there are two limiting facts to it.. first the shortcuts should only work in the active context or there should be at least be a warning message asking the user if he really wants to apply the command βmodel wideβ ... second, it would be nice if we could set the commands for the shortcutted features it would be nice if we could set parameters for these βshortcuttedβ commands seperately from the main plugin window because for the shortcuts i may want other fixed settings than when im running The whole plugin via the UI
Thanks for considering it!
Have a nice Xmas everyone!
RE: Simple dynamic windows, doors, skylights etc
hi there,
sorry for the late reply.
check my examples and my corresponding questions to them
the house dc... > how can i protect the "hidden" geometry necessary for it to funktion? i use plugins like ccleaner alot .. some option to protect stuff inside dcs would be welcome
the skylights.. how can i add a secondary rotation function for the wing? and how to switch between the or cycle through them?
the door... works as expected but when placing them i flip and scalethem with -1 alot.. then things start to "brake"
im trying to get my head around this stuff .. simple things can be done quick and easy but once 2-3 parameters and "constraints" are introduced dcs are kind of messed up
i hope someone has the time and patience to guide me along a bit...
best, franz
Simple dynamic windows, doors, skylights etc
hi there,
i working on some custom dynamic components. mostly its for windows doors etc. to open and close them..
now im running into two issues...
number 1
im trying to create a hinged roof window, velux kind of thing...simple setup -> a frame and a wing.. and the wing is supposed to open in specific degrees like 10, 20, 30 etc...
now the only way to have it open in the wanted direction was this "workaround", see screenshot...
first i was trying to move around the groups and components axies but this was only messing up stuff..
the dc was only respecting the new axies position but not the direction of the axies..?!
number 2
what needs to be done so if i copy the component, it does not get "unique" when clicked/animated ..?! this makes almost no sense as it negates all the positive aspects of components in the first placei hope someone can help me
thanks and all the best, franz
RE: [Plugin] Component Properties
hi there,
would be supercool if we could select several different components and apply attibutes to them at once.
muchas gracias
RE: [Plugin] jf_get_dimensions.rb
hi there together,
is there a working version of the plugin? or any alternative? because it seems its still gone from the extension store and sketchucation store
RE: [Plugin] Descaler v1.1 20121218
hi there,
im currently struggeling with 3d warehouse models.. some of them scaled wrong and consist of groups components, scaling them down is no problem to have the right size, but to avoid rendering issues wirth third party apps etc i want all groups and components to be 1:1 and not scaled.. so i come to use your plugin which processes nested entities, however, there are 2 problems...
first: if the mothercontainer is not scaled, but its children, the plugin does not show in the context menue
second: in contrary to fredos "scale definition" descaler kind of breaks uv mapping:) .. (most likely due to processing entities like faces and lines too?)...
would be cool if these issues could be adressed in a future release
best, franz
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoPortrait - v2.9a - 01 Apr 24
hi there again,
fredo i have sent you a private message with a link to a video i have recoreded, it shows the error..
best, franz
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoPortrait - v2.9a - 01 Apr 24
hi there,
amazing idea and plugin - however i have some "errors" .. when using it, it happens that geometry gets "ubuild" in exactly the manner i have build it.. but reverse.. it kinda reverse engineers my model
funny effect but renders the plugin useless
anyone else with this problem? if the author is interested i can share my screen and show the problem
best, franz
RE: [Plugin] MaterialConsolidator
WOW super many muchas gracias
heavily appreciated!edit:
of course one is never satisfied for long ...plugin works as expected now, but its kind of slow on scenes with many many polygons and the report does not state the progress or if the plugin is still working or if the app is frozen and also there are some crucial options missing...
for example: work in only on entities in active context or vice versa, ignore entities and materials of active objects
dont know if anyone is aware of the age old plugin material maintance - this one is quite fast with what it does ..
maybe someone in the future can combine them and make a proper plugin, i personally would be happy to pay for something like that
RE: [Plugin] MaterialConsolidator
is there somebody out there who can compile the above mentioned "accuracy" code addon into the plugin and share it with us
would be awesome!!