The best way I can think of doing this is to first export a JPEG of your model.
Use this file as your static background and template.
Use a graphics program of your choice and one that will allow you to make GIF animations. ImageReady should be able to the following:
Make or capture or import your animation as a separate file. Resize to exactly fit the area/space where it will be placed. Stretch as necessary.
A good way to find the exact size is to convert the JPEG of your model to use "pixel" measurements. Create a solid box that exactly fits the space/area where the animation will be placed. (black is preferred) Look at the measurements and shape of that box
Then use your graphics program to export or save as or convert to "animated gif" file.
Go back to your JPEG. Create a new layer. Import your gif animation and place on the new layer in the space/area where you want the animation. Tweak/trim as necessary.
Can be viewed on the Internet or in any browser.
If this does not work for you or is not the solution you are looking for, please let me know and send more details about the intended end use. There are a couple of ways to do this, but it all depends on the final use.