How is the best way/plugin to close a hole in a terrain mesh?
I have 2 groups, terrain and building and I need close a hole, see the image.
Close terrain hole
Advance use of drape tool
I have a terrain generate by TopoShaper amd I want project items on it.
I can use Drape tool from Sandbox toolbar but in this way the projection is part of terrain (drape tool add mesh on terrain. I need have the projection as separate object and show/hide it on terrain.Is there a way or a plugin for it?
Multiple texture on same face
I need to tiling a wall.
I have to put a decor, so wall tiles are not all the same.Can different textures be inserted at different points on the wall?
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoScale - v3.6a - 01 Apr 24
I installed the last version but I have only the "box" tools, no "target" tools. Any ideas?
RE: Terrain rendering
Thanks for "skatter ($$) o raytracer (free) o component spray (free)" suggestion.
Visualizer doesn't work on SketchUp 2016. -
Roof of irregular plan
I have a floor plan of an attic very irregular:
I have spend many time to draw the roof and the result is not a good result:
What is the best way to draw a roof like this (irregular plan)?
Are there some plugins that can help me? -
RE: Terrain rendering
I have assign material to group and all group items but I get the same result.
This is the model:!AsM-9m6nUHA9qTnr9qFgnsQdk4LD
This is the grass v-ray material:!AsM-9m6nUHA9qTpQIcNlENyawbhQ -
RE: Terrain rendering
@panixia said:
looks like you are using displacement without the "keep continuity" option (or whatever that's called in sketchup vray i don't remember) turned off, is that?!?
"keep continuity" is active on VRAY.
In any case the problem is the displacement. With material without "displacement" I don't have this problem. -
RE: Terrain rendering
On SketchUp I don't see these lines:
I don't understand because I see them on render
Terrain rendering
I tried to use VRAY for first time.
I get a problem with terrain model. As you can see on picture on grass there are mesh lines.Where am I doing wrong?
Terrain modeling
I have created a terrain by TopoShaper plugin and isocontour.
Part of the land is flat, but one part is uneven.
I have to edit the uneven part of the land to make it flat. I have already tried to use the "model" tool from sandbox toolbar but also if I try to recude radius I cannot get a good result because I must move least 3 edges.Is there a way to accurately model the terrain?
RE: [Plugin][$] TopoShaper - v2.7a - 01 Apr 24
After created a terrain, is there a way to show the "grid" on it? I see only the surface but would be nice to see the points of the grid for editing.
Display problems
I have some problem when there are 2 coincident surfaces.
See the image:Is there a way to show only the right surface?
Another small question, is possible change hide/show entity between different views?
Any advice for my design (technical and sections)
I need draw a small house. I would like allow to hide/show items so it's possible see the interior of the house.
So I have create this:Any color is a group (the colors are just to make you understand, I have to use materials).
I can hide the roof and see the interior...First question: is this the right way to use SketckUp?
Secondo question: If Yes, is there a way to hide line between 2 colors and use textures like single surface?
Third question: is there a way to have a solid sections? I have try SolidSection plugin but it not work very well.