[Plugin Beta] Animator - v4.2a - 28 Feb 25
@jgb said:
Could you please convert those references into clickable links?
Just fixed the link (polluted by an old bug in the forum, adding http: in URL).
Note that many videos are based on an older version of the GUI, but I guess you'll find your way with the updated GUI.
Thank you.
This old dog has difficulty learning new tricks.
I've tried many SU based animators over the years starting with SketchyPhysics (almost got the hang of it). Others left me wanting, others way too complex or plain unusable. I need a simple animator without the physics complications, so I hope, based on the quality and functions of your stuff, most of which I use daily (Curviloft in particular), this rendition of an SU animator will do the trick. -
New Release: Animator - v1.7c - 16 Aug 17
Requirement: LibFredo6 v7.7c
Minor release
- bug fixing
- First support of VRay (v3.40.04) for rendering of animations
See main post for RBZ files
I guess easiest would be interpolating date and hour seperately.
@tomaszdrgas said:
I guess easiest would be interpolating date and hour seperately.
If the two dates are separated by less than 24 hours, then interpolate the dates
Otherwise, interpolate the days, but keeping the same hour.
Nice job again Fredo6.
Is it possible to animate the "sun" to see the shadow of a building moving from early in the morning through the night?
François -
@vailly said:
Is it possible to animate the "sun" to see the shadow of a building moving from early in the morning through the night?
This is possible with the Visual Effect "Shadow"
In the timeline,
- put a first one with the date/time of early morning
- put a second one with the date/time of late evening at the end (based on your video duration)
Shadow is a visual effect. So it can be combined with object and camera movements and with other visual effects (zoom, etc...).
Note that if the two date/time are separated with more than 24h, then you'll get a Season shadow animation. This is how you can simulate the shadow across several days, months or years.
New Release: Animator - v1.8a - 02 Nov 17
Requirement: LibFredo6 v7.9a
Minor release
- bug fixing
- First batch of Performance improvement for large models
See main post for RBZ files
Hey Fredo, you are genius
I love animator
I tried rendering a clip in Twilight V2 pro, only 2 second duration (51 frames) - 30 hours in it had rendered 14 clips, so I decided to purchase V-Ray and upgraded LibFredo6 to 7.9 and animator to 1.8 as it says Vray is supported. Tried to render the same animation and it only took 1.5 hours - an amazing improvement!! I saw every frame rendering, However, the resulting movie, both MP4 and MOV were both only 1 frame long- Have I missed something? Can you advise me please?
Keep up the brilliant work!!!
@mike598601 said:
I tried rendering a clip in Twilight V2 pro, only 2 second duration (51 frames) - 30 hours in it had rendered 14 clips, so I decided to purchase V-Ray and upgraded LibFredo6 to 7.9 and animator to 1.8 as it says Vray is supported. Tried to render the same animation and it only took 1.5 hours - an amazing improvement!! I saw every frame rendering, However, the resulting movie, both MP4 and MOV were both only 1 frame long
- Have I missed something? Can you advise me please?
For animation, I don't think you need super-rendering. If you have only 51 frames, with a rendering of 10 s, you should keep it under 10 minutes, whether Twilight or VRay.
Could you post or PM your model, so that I see how it renders with Vray and Twilight.
First: Big Thanks to FREDO for this Genius plugin.
Theres just 1 Thing I got a Problem with: Camera Fade out.
If I use more than 2 views/cameras the Animation stops at the second view/camera and doesnt fade to the third one.
what did I wrong?
@mast1987 said:
If I use more than 2 views/cameras the Animation stops at the second view/camera and doesnt fade to the third one.
what did I wrong?
Could you please post or PM your model so that I have a look.
Maybe you simply disable fadeout for the second camera.Fredo
ok I got a solution:
when i set the camera Position with the eye tool it doesnt works.
when I set it with the Orbit and Hand tool it works fine.....thanks for the quick answer btw
Glad to see it works.
Still, I don't see why you have a difference, since Animator does not really care HOW you set a view: it just capture the camera when it is set.
New Release: Animator - v1.8b - 19 Nov 17
Requirement: LibFredo6 v8.0b
Maintenance release
- bug fixing
- Handling of cases where scenes which are part of an animation are deleted in Sketchup.
- improvement in circular camera interpolation (fadeout) if you also install LibFredo6 8.0b
See main post for RBZ files
Just upgraded VRay to 3.6 but it no longer appears in the 'Render with' options in animator - is this version of Vray supported by animator in SU 2018?
Is Vray 3.6 installed in SU2018?
I will investigate on my side
Go home Thea, you're drunk!
Why is Thea acting like a drunk uncle? see the animation in SU, this is what I want to render in Thea:
However, when I choose to render the animation I get this:
Is there a way to fix this? reset Thea in some way?
I am assuming that when you went to create the animation using the Animator plugin you clicked the Thea button. I have not seen anything like that happen but I have not used Animator for a while
@ntxdave said:
I am assuming that when you went to create the animation using the Animator plugin you clicked the Thea button. I have not seen anything like that happen but I have not used Animator for a while
If I did not press the Thea button then it would not have rendered with Thea, I did what I always do, use Thea animation with the Animator plugin selected.
Besides Thea, does Animator support other renderers? may be time to move on.