@AcesHigh Does it work with groups.. I just installed it on 2023 but seems not to work.. I have other replace components plugin which works only with components.. not groups
Latest posts made by tomaszdrgas
RE: [Plugin] Component Comparison
RE: [Plugin] Super Drape
I was long time thinking about something including Your drape but even more complicated.. that's why I didn't do it.. is way over me..
I mean like Your drape but somehow remembering the terrain on which it is draped. For landscaping purpose.. You draw in a group Your terrain not to complicated.. than You drape a road lines etc from another group that it is completely flat.. If You see that some area requires some refinement You context click on it .. let say something like "edit base group" You add some details and all updates automatic..
Maybe some way to include eventually push pulls from the draped group.. like to keep the edge of the road and pavement..
and You could draw some additional detail in the flat group and click update.. (automatic update would be way to heavy I guess).
Like I said.. I can make some very simple plugin.. make my toolbar.. but that is way over me.. -
RE: [Plugin] Compo Spray 1.4.2 Updated
The program doesn't accept NO
I have the same problem which had @chon (in 2014 year).. When I choose faces to place the components on and choose to not allow collisions (so simply trying to kill my PC).. It give message about how long it will take and asks if it should continue.. Yes only doubles the time, No gives me again the same message..
I am installed in additional folder.. just yesterday from sketchucation so I believe I have all the fresh updated version..
In standard plugins folder it works the same..
on 2016 Pro and 2019 trial.. -
RE: [Plugin] FredoTools::ThruPaint - v1.3a - 20 Oct 16
@rv1974 said:
Fredo may I ask some childish question?
Is there any fundamental difficulty to implement Natural UV mode that is aligned to longes edges of the tube-like surfaces? Just like QuadMesh UV mode but without distortions?I guess that main problem is that plugin doesn't really know which direction is prefered one,. maybe we could assume the red 'U' direction..
Second problem ThruPaint tries very hard to make texturing continues.. As far as I have seen Your desired result it has breakes on every bend of tube.. So I guess You want some mix of 'quad' abd 'natural uv' modes.. Just select and paint each segment seperatly with 'natural uv'.. As You did I guess.. -
RE: [Plugin] FredoTools::ThruPaint - v1.3a - 20 Oct 16
It doesn't crush ENScape or something so don't worry..
Enscape is a render plugin for sketchup and few other like Rhino, Vectorworks..I found that if I set up an ENS material and "Save As" it to some library, Fredo6 ThruPaint (which I use actually instead of native paint bucket) doesn't see ENS specific settings when introducing new material to the model.. It works with no problem when material is already one of the materials.
So if You have created a library of ENS setted up materials and want to use them in Your model, than when You pick the material from that library and paint it in Your model for the first time do it with native sKetchup Paint Tool. ThruPaint will make it a 'flat' sKetchup material loosing any links to bump, roughness etc. and mixing Tint Color and Color settings into texture image..
I don't really know who should fix what in order to make it work so I let know to both. I love ThruPaint and I have to use ENS.
RE: [Plugin] Extended Views v1.2 UPDATE May 23, 2013
I use 2016 and 2017.. I don't have possibility to check how it works in 2018..
RE: [Plugin] Extended Views v1.2 UPDATE May 23, 2013
Hy .. Dzieńdobry
I'm just starting with sketchup API and I have choosen CLF Extended Views as a sample lo see how extention should be made..
Soon enough I realised that it doesn't work in sketchup 2017..
I found out it was due to change made in sketchup 2017 when exploding groups..I started to learn ruby last month but with lots of digging in sketchup's API documentation I managed to fix it.. (So proud
Here is the .rbz file (just zipped it and changed the extention to .rbz)
This should workI wanted to send that file directly to Chris so he could maintain it in extention warehouse but couldn't find his email.. Hope You don't mind.. It was a greate excercise to me..
RE: [Plugin] FredoTools::ThruPaint - v1.3a - 20 Oct 16
I guess it was a deliberate choice but still will mention it.. Unlike native sKetchup paint tool ThruPaint treats faces separated by a "hidden" lines as one surface. So if I will cut a face on 3 and then hide cutting lines sKetchup would paint it in 3 clicks and ThruPaint in just one..
It is not big bother but it is a different behaviour and after using thruPaint few years still sometimes (today) makes me confiused..
Is there an option somewhere in the settings to change it.. deeply hidden..Tomasz
RE: [Plugin][$] JointPushPull Interactive - v4.8a - 30 Mar 24
I have little bug for JPP. Seems to be related to different matherials used for fases and edges since clearing all the materials to default helps..
I often use different material for edges to make them look lighter on jpgs,so it actually happens a lot..
I gave to it all default mat. and tried to replicate the error. (I marked the selection in red copied in front of it.) I added again different material to the 2 middle horizontal edges (everything else default). Still working. I added different mat. for fases sorrounding edges and it still worked. I added more mat. to all faces neighbouring with the selection to be pushedpull. Erra..
I attached file..
RE: [Plugin] 1001bit Tools - Architectural tools for SketchUp
Believe or not some people in our korean office are forced to work on sk8 still..
1001bit_freeware_v1.0.5 Nothing happens when you click on toolbars..