[Plugin] CameraKeyMaker 1.0 (Update 2011-04-09)
Great plugin! very nice!
but... any news on this fov problem?!? with a camera always jumping to 30° fov it's pretty useless for me... -
@richardu said:
I see there is a preview recently posted on YouTube for version 2.0 of this tool.
Can you post a link? I can´t find it.
fantastic, thanks very much
..bute are you sure it runs also within su8 ?
@livioe said:
..bute are you sure it runs also within su8 ?
It should work.
Incompatibility is usually 'backwards' to earlier versions, that don't have all of the newer version's tools.
Why not just install it and try it out.
The worst that can happen is it doesn't work !
Check that you have indeed installed it as directed [a common pitfall] !!
If so then uninstall the few files you have installed. -
This plugin for me is very useful but I work on Mac and it didn't work because de keys codes and pathname are different between Pc and Mac.
I have done changes in camera_key_maker.rb and the plugin works on Mac now.
I use Apple Extended Keyboard.CHANGES KEYS CODE lines 295 to 360
def onKeyDown(key, x, y, view)
# 63234 LEFT, 63235 RIGHT, 63232 UP, 63233 DOWN
if @points_eye.size > 0 size = (@points_eye.size) -1 #previous/next Key <--[--1] || [++1]--> **%(#BF0000)[if key == 63234 or key == 63235]** **%(#BF0000)[if key == 63234 # LEFT <--]** if @index && @index > 0 @index -= 1 eye = @points_eye.at(@index) target = @points_target.at(@index) else @index = size eye = @points_eye.at(size) target = @points_target.at(size) end else # RIGHT --> if @index && @index < size @index += 1 eye = @points_eye.at(@index) target = @points_target.at(@index) else @index = 0 eye = @points_eye.at(0) target = @points_target.at(0) end end # key 63234 @camera.set eye, target, @up.clone Sketchup::set_status_text("Llave de Cámara: #{@index+1}", SB_PROMPT) view.animation = nil @edit_cam = false @draw = true view.invalidate end # key 63234/63235 # PLAY PREVIEW **%(#BF0000)[if key == 63232 # UP]** @edit_cam = false if @points_eye and @points_eye.size > 1 $preview = true view.animation = CameraAnimation.new(@points_eye, @points_target) #view.animation = cam_anim #place to last camera key @index = (@points_eye.size) -1 end #Animation stopped" end # 63232 # EDIT current position camera key %(#BF0000)[**if key == 63233 # DOWN**] @edit_cam = true Sketchup::set_status_text("Editar Llave de Cámara: #{@index+1} , Editar curva manualmente solo Vistas [Arriba-Abajo-Izquierda-Derecha]", SB_PROMPT) end # key 63233 end # @points_eye.size > 0 @draw = true view.invalidate
end #onKeyDown
line 637: pathname = Sketchup.find_support_file "camera_path.html" ,"Plugins/CameraKeyMaker"
Just installed this plugin through sketchucation tools, works fine though when I press enter nothing happens, must be missing something here....?
macgile -Something else caught my eye... in the '8.0th SketchUp' parody animation you have a clever treatment for the beam of the spotlights. I'm assuming this piece is still native sketchup...? so I'm guessing you used tubes of semi-transparent white material & hid all the edges? Or is there more to it - please share, I'd love to know.
Hi from Germany.
Would like to install your Sketchup Tool CameraKeyMaker, but the download links seem not to work well...
Would really like to use ur tool, looks really good. Pls help me.......
Thank you
I know I'm coming in late in the game, but I have read this post from it's beginning until the May 16th post above. Yet, I cannot learn more about this plugin for SU 2013 or why it's not in the current extension warehouse. Has there been any further development on this plugin and has it yet been able to be confirmed to be used by exterior render engines such as Shaderlight and Vray?
Is it possible to set different Field of View, Shadows, Fog, group viseabilety etc. along the keypath? Like I can do it in standard sKetchup views and than sKetchup automaticly smoothly changes to next sceen?
Will this work with Sketchup 2015 or 2016 version? i remember it worked with earler versions....
I just loved this plugin but nowadays dont seem to get it to work using Su15 or Su16...please any help. -
Have today, after a long period of non-use, the plugin installed in SketchUp Make 2016.
It is important not to forget to copy the script "bezier.rb" into the plugin folder. The plugin then works for my purpose to get paths of camera and target. -
I have an trouble with this plugin. Any advise ?
- My system : Windows 10 / SketchUp Pro 2017
I was install both of Camera Key Maker and Bezier Line but this plugin doesn't working with me.
I already saw Camera Key Maker in Tab " Camera " but when i click on that nothing was happen.
Anybody have the solutions for my situation ? Thanks all and I am sorry if my English not good enough to explain in detail.
- My system : Windows 10 / SketchUp Pro 2017
Shame this was abandoned. This is exactly what I need but it doesn't work with SU 2016
For me it works fine in SU 2016 & SU2017.
Use:1. Run the plugin, place the camera where you want and press Shift+Q --> this creates a Camera Key 1
2. Move the camera and press Shift+Q --> this creates a Camera Key 2 and so successively.
3. When you have finished press Enter, appear a popup window with different options, set them like you want.
4. Press OK button to create the scenes.
If you want edit the created curves change the Camera to Parallel Projection and the View to Top, then move the points of the curves.
I hope this can help you. -
First, I managed to use Wayback Machine and find and download " bezier.rb "
(here's a link if people are having trouble: https://web.archive.org/web/20130718054436/http://rhin.crai.archi.fr/rld/plugin_details.php?id=33)Then I made your changes for it to work on OS X, Oxer, thank you, but I still have trouble. I can't get it to work as you describe or as seen in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZNesZRknQI
Basically, every time I want to move or reposition the camera using the Orbit or Pan tools, the Camera Key Maker on-screen display disappears and I need to go back to the menu and reselect Camera Key Maker to input the subsequent keys. Any thoughts on how to keep Camera Key Maker 'active' while I rotate the view using the Orbit or Pan tools? I can, for instance, keep it active when I zoom by scrolling on the trackpad, but I can't do anything else. I can add a shortcut for Camera Key Maker easily enough but I wonder if I'm missing something or if there's something broken, perhaps?
Would be thrilled if you have any suggestions. Thanks!
@oxer said:
For me it works fine in SU 2016 & SU2017.
Use:1. Run the plugin, place the camera where you want and press Shift+Q --> this creates a Camera Key 1
2. Move the camera and press Shift+Q --> this creates a Camera Key 2 and so successively.
3. When you have finished press Enter, appear a popup window with different options, set them like you want.
4. Press OK button to create the scenes.
If you want edit the created curves change the Camera to Parallel Projection and the View to Top, then move the points of the curves.
I hope this can help you. -
I don't know what's your problem, for me works fine on OS X 10.11.6 and SU2017, try with this plugin modified to work on Mac.
Sometimes there is a conflict with another plugin.