That ides keeps popping up in my mind too. But then what about all the other authors who do not host through smustard? There are a lot of them.
I think I like the idea of hosting them here, with all the plugins included in the zip file (with all appropriate permissions, etc) with links to the "official" home to each plugin included in the thread. So there could be a link to each smustard script included, to each of Didier's scripts, to TBD's, to Jim's blog, to the thread on this forum where the script is maintained, etc, and a link to Cadfather's page if he'd like (and I think he deserves the publicity for taking the time to do it, and do it well).
That way perhaps its easier to track each script and make sure the toolbar is using current versions of each script too. And it can be the SCF toolbar, as a collaboration with the SCF (as its hosted here), Cadfather (since he maintains it and hosts a version on his website) and all authors who frequent here. Is that overkill? And I think that satisfies everything in my mind - a single place to download and install a single package, with quick links to all separate scripts.