Beautiful, and I love your signature on the pencil!

RE: Mine cart -- correct?
@tadema said:
Quite a few images here
JohnMore proof that if you search for any object in Flickr, you will find at least one version made in Legos!
RE: Basic Alignment
@alan fraser said:
It is also possible to force movement along a particular axis by holding down the appropriate arrow key while moving.
I was just thinking about searching for this little trick the other day, I remembered reading it somewhere, but couldn't remember how to do it! Thanks!
Your tutorials are always so clear and helpful..really nice work!
RE: Cozy Living
The first one, using the DOF effect, makes me feel like I have glaucoma, but the second one looks great!
RE: Flying Orb !
It would be really cool if it could also go underwater!
I was really impressed at the end, when he effortlessly dropped it back into its eggshell.
RE: Student project - Ceramic Factory
Wow...that is a huge factory! Really amazing model and I love the design. How long did it take you to complete this project?
RE: Your house
I stumbled across this old topic and thought it was a cool would be great to see some more contributions, so here is one from me that I made quite some time ago.
This is the house that I grew up in: a late 1950's 2 bedroom ranch. It's only about 800 sq ft. (not including basement) but I was an only child so it was just fine for me and it had a nice big yard
RE: Battlestar Galactica Viper
Wow...I had to duck when I saw that one! Great image!!!
RE: Snow-Trac (WIP)
@marked001 said:
I constantly forget this sub-forum exists... glad i remembered today! really superb stuff here.. impressed with everything..modelling/rendering/trivia
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!
RE: Chevrolet Camaro
@solo said:
Great stuff Frederico.
Please tell me where you got that hdri/background it's awesome also.
Pete - I saw it here ->
RE: How to make musical instrument strings
I would draw a line connecting the bridges and draw a circle at one end, perpendicular to the line, with the bottom edge of it intersecting with the line. Only use a few segments for the circle, maybe 5, and then select the line, click on the follow-me tool, and then click on the circle to extrude it the length of the line. This will give you strings with volume and then you can color them as you wish.
RE: Check out this extremely talented modeler
Oh wow...those are insane! I wish he had a profile so we could find out more about him!
RE: Mouse button/wheel don't navigate properly
Mice wear out. If you can, try reprogramming your button to a different function (mute, zoom, etc) and try it in a different program and see if it works. If it doesn't, you probably need a new mouse. This just happened to me with my Logitech V450 Laser Mouse. Everything was working fine, and then the middle button became sporadic and finally stopped working. Tried a new mouse and everything was fine.
RE: Hello everybody! first post!
Beautiful work! Can you tell us a little bit about the methods you use?
RE: Need help making Kerkythea clay render
@hellnbak said:
@007 said:
Some more tuts Here, second one has a little on clay our master here Majid
Oh great! More stuff to print!
I've been using Evernote to capture and organize tips, links, and tutorials that I want to keep. It's great because you can organize notes into different notebooks, and tag your entries for easy searching. Another nice feature is that you can access them from any computer and it automatically syncs. It works great!
RE: Need help making Kerkythea clay render
@hellnbak said:
Thanks for all the input and suggestions, I'm working my way thru them. I've found a lot of good stuff in some of the references, and some of them have lead me to more good sources of information and I'm printing them all out to study. I have a LOT to learn, but that's what Michigan winters are made for. I just hope I haven't gotten in over my head with this stuff.
I'll post the results of my efforts, and I'm very sure I'll have a lot more questions, so please bear with me.It gets better...I remember reading the KT "Getting Started" manual when I was first starting out and hardly understanding a word of it. I re-read it a few weeks ago and now it all makes sense. I think KT is a great rendering program, and everything you need to know is somewhere in the KT forum or's just a matter of finding it, or asking for help.