Dang, don't know I missed this one! So glad to see you're still at it, creating masterpieces beyond compare. Been doing any more stuff that I might have missed?

Latest posts made by hellnbak
RE: '23 Ford T-Bucket
RE: Need help identifying this
@Rich-O-Brien Yeah, I figured it was probably from some sort of military vehicle or aircraft, but unfortunately I only have a few shots of it and they aren't hi-res enuf to show the details I need. Push comes to shove I'll just have to do the best I can with what I can see but I was hoping to avoid that. Oh well, life goes on. Have a good one!
Need help identifying this
Working on a model, but I need help identifying this seat. Has anybody seen it before? Thanks in advance for any help.
RE: Need copy of Frodo's ThruPaint plugin for Sketchup V 15
Oh jeez, turns out I already have it installed. Now that's embarrassing
Now all I gotta do is figure out how to use it. I'm not too hopeful, but I'm gonna give it my best shot. Thanks, happy holidays!
Need copy of Frodo's ThruPaint plugin for Sketchup V 15
I guess the title says it all. Any help will be much appreciated.
RE: Corvette by Sergio Morera
Wow, actually something with wheels!! All too rare here. Very nicely done, I hate that I cannot render.
RE: Old Korean Bridge
Beautiful photo, Bryan. So when are we gonna see the model
Very nicely done, I'm jealous of your talent.
RE: A Follow-Me Problem
@box said:
Segments. There is always a limit to the number of segments Sketchup can deal with. There is also an unfortunate lack of good error messages built into sketchup.
10000 segments of a single continuous 'curve' will tend to crash sketchup without a bugsplat.
Your question appears to show that 6000 segments is the limit on a follow me before it gives you an error that is somewhat meaningless.Thanks for going to all the trouble, some very useful information for myself and probably others. Very much appreciated
And you're right about the 'somewhat meaningless' error messages. It might as well have said 'This ain't gonna work, but we're not gonna tell you why'