How are you getting along with the Senster?
The above guidance should provide a very good start. I wouldn't worry about tubes and hydraulic cylinders, until you've got the overall geometry (as polyhedral "blocks") pretty well sussed out. Only after you've got the building blocks sized and scaled to look about right, do you proceed to add detail. Tubes, angle-iron and actuators can be added, as components, after you have completed the basic polyhedral blocks, which can be used as a 3D template, upon which to build.
If you try to add detail, before you've got the overall geometry established, you're going to have problems making changes to the underlying "block" skeleton. Get the polyhedron blocks right, first. Don't worry too much about exact dimensions, as the relative scale of each block, compared to it's connected blocks, is more important. Once you've finished the model, you can scale the whole thing, to somewhat match the photographs. (Really, who is going to know that your dimensions are off a bit?)
When adding & positioning tubing components, rotating around specific axes, or aligned to particular faces, is a SketchUp skill you need to master. See the SketchUp Users Guide, "Folding Along an Axis of Rotation" ย It's applicable to any rotation, not just "folding." Once you've mastered such rotations, precise positioning is a snap (literally.)
Actually, you've "...flung a cravin' on me!" ย I'm considering trying my hand at modeling the Senster, myself.