I hesitate to ask any additional questions regarding your problem, your system, your computer experience, or details of what you've tried already. I wouldn't want to offend, or imply by my questions, that you are a newbie (as if that were a bad thing. With Vista, everyone's a newbie!)
Note that Vista has problems with other software, not just SketchUp. Vista is technically still in a 'beta' phase, and will likely remain so until the first service pack is released. It has been released upon the general public, who serve as guinea pigs for debugging.
The 'newness' of Vista is also the reason so many deficiencies in the graphics card drivers provided by Microsoft and the card manufacturers. These drivers are likely to undergo frequent revisions, until (most) problems are resolved.
I just purchased a new laptop myself, through Dell business/office sales, rather than general public consumer sales. You can no longer buy a Dell consumer machine with Windows XP. They all come with Vista installed. Virtually all business sales, however, are XP, as most businesses are unwilling to deal with anything other than the most-reliable operating system. Once the general public has served to debug Vista, businesses will start to migrate (maybe another year or two from now.) Buying a business machine provided me with the opportunity to stick with XP.
The reason for asking details about your system, and the problem history, is that many people run SketchUp on Vista without problems. There is, therefore, something unique to your system causing the problem. All we can do is attempt to isolate the cause. To do that, you must be willing to experiment. This is a trial-and-error process. Some suggested trials won't work. We need to rule out possible problems, until success is achieved (hopefully.)
There is no formula or single fix that can be delivered upon demand/request.
The best way to start is to first remove as many variables as possible. This includes Vista variables, OpenGL variables and SketchUp variables.
Vista & Installation of SketchUp
I've periodically seen posts where Google Support personnel suggest uninstalling SketchUp, then reinstalling while in Vista 'Safe Mode' environment. This helps ensure that the installation is not somehow compromised by something running in the background. (Once installed, the Safe Mode should not be required to run SketchUp.)
The generic installation recommendations reference Vista and 'Administrator rights.' (This is likely the source of the advice previously suggested to you.)
(Take special note of step 9.)
Graphics support
The default Microsoft graphics drivers distributed with Vista are woefully out-of-date. Google recommends an immediate (and frequent repeated) update of the driver, especially for nVidia cards. The nVidia drivers receive special mention on this Help Center page:
Once installed, run SketchUp, go to 'Window > Preferences > OpenGL' and disable 'Use hardware acceleration.' Close SketchUp.
Test running SketchUp, including file access (loading and saving files.)
As for the 'running' environment, it is recommended that you...
"Exit any programs or utilities running in the background (anti-virus software, printer/plotter managers, pop-up blockers, security/firewall software, remote desktop connection software, and so on.)"
If it works, great. But note that all we've done is remove variables. We haven't actually isolated the problem.
To continue, re-introduce all that we've circumvented, one-at-a-time. Start with OpenGL (as that seems to be the most common deficiency.) Re-enable 'hardware acceleration,' close SketchUp, re-start, and test SketchUp functions again.
If everything works, then the new OpenGL driver may have fixed the problem. If the file problem re-appears, then the driver is definitely the fault.
Next, re-introduce background tasks, one-at-a-time, (firewall, anti-virus, blockers, etc.) testing SketchUp with each change in operating environment.
Eventually (hopefully,) you should be back to a 'default' operating environment, with all background tasks running (and SketchUp, too.)
Please note again that I don't have Vista. The above is simply a compilation of all that I've read in Help Group discussions and in the SketchUp Help Center. You don't mention whether you use SketchUp Pro or the free version. If the above does not resolve the problem, and you use SketchUp Pro, you can contact SketchUp Support.
The Help Group and the Community Forum are comprised of volunteers, and may not be able to resolve a unique situation. We can only speak from experience, limited as SketchUp users, not developers (although some SketchUp folks do monitor these groups.)
A very experienced computer tech could run background monitoring programs to watch what is happening with the system when a SketchUp error occurs. These system tools, like 'Event viewer' and the 'SysInternals' tools, are available on your system, or are available free from Microsoft. I've occasionally used these tools, but it requires intimate familiarity with operating system processes and services.
Event Viewer is already on XP systems, so I presume the same is true for Vista. The SysInternal tools, which can monitor just about anything, are available from Microsoft:
Since I don't know your computer proficiency, I'm uncertain that you possess the expertise to apply these tools. I mention them in case you are one of the fortunate few who don't fear to tread where most dare not go (a most exclusive club.) Some of these tools may even be used by Google SketchUp developers who are trying to debug a problem. Even then, they need to be able to reproduce your problem on one of their computers. This is often the limiting block to resolving a problem. They may not be able to reproduce your error.
If all this fails, then you may be forced to wait until graphics drivers and Vista 'catch-up' to the requirements of SketchUp [i:i3mh3mda](most of this has to do with OpenGL compatibility.)[/i:i3mh3mda] SketchUp is on the leading edge of programming that relies on the OpenGL standards. Microsoft, on the other hand, isn't that interested in OpenGL because they developed the competing technology, DirectX.
Graphics card manufacturers do implement OpenGL, but typically only so far. They implement only those functions required to run OpenGL games, not the entire OpenGL standard.
Regardless of Toby's disparaging implication that the Help Group is unfriendly, I've seen [i:i3mh3mda](and hopefully contributed to)[/i:i3mh3mda] a lot of SketchUp users receiving help from the two groups. Several of the participants here also contribute to helping users there.
I'm sorry that you didn't receive satifactory responses from your previous request. Please, don't let that stop you from availing yourself of future assistance or advice from all three communities. [i:i3mh3mda](I've learned most of the above by frequenting all three forums.)[/i:i3mh3mda]
I would like to be able to guarantee that the above advice will resolve your problem. Unfortuately, I sometimes don't know how to help further.
Please keep us posted regarding your progress. Others may have an identical problem, so we have an interest in hearing about both successes and failures.