I thought there would be known issues.
This was last week in my classes. I do not have a MAC> I will email my student and ask her to do that and get back to you when I have an answer.
Thanks much!
I thought there would be known issues.
This was last week in my classes. I do not have a MAC> I will email my student and ask her to do that and get back to you when I have an answer.
Thanks much!
I wonder if you can help me with a problem with the "Weld" and the "Flight Path" ruby scripts.
I use them in my Advanced SketchUp classes and haven't had a problem with anyone on either PC or MAC until recently. I had one individual who brought her own Mac laptop, latest operating system,
And those 2 Ruby scripts did nothing at all on her MAC. She had no trouble with any other Rubies that we loaded in the class and they were all loaded correctly and into the same folder. Just these 2 did nothing.
Any ideas? Thanks for your time.
Chris, Andrew; have you guys decided where you are staying? Bonnie is thinking about whether she wants to go or not but this time I don't think we will be sharing a room because she has an invite to stay with someone in Denver.
I asked the Boulderado if there is a special rate for the conference and they said not, but that they could offer the Google corporate rate, which they did not divulge. I am supposed to phone in.
Best Western is the cheapest.
So where are you staying?
Tina, are you lurking somewhere? Are you invited? Wanna go? I'll nominate.
I found that it isn't even necessary to change the screen resolution to affect the aspect ratio.
If you use the "restore down" icon in Windows ( the button to the left of the red "X" which would close the file) you can then adjust the aspect ratio of your sketchup working window and the print area is thus affected as well.
Blair, Bonnie is still very much active with her SketchUp Books, particularly the ones for children.
Is is possible you have old out of date contact information.
She has a fairly new website and her contact information is on this page of here site:
Last week was a religious holiday so perhaps she was unavailable at the time. I am sure if you have the correct contact info, you will definitely hear from her. Her books are the best bet.
While using "alt" to auto fold works fine, you still need to "find" the direction you want to autofold in. It is actually much easier to use the arrow keys instead. If you Tap ( that is hit but don't hold down) the right arrow key you will force the movement in the red axis direction. If the left arrow key, the green direction and if the up or down arrow keys, the blue axis direction. This only works after you have "grabbed" the surface with the move tool. So the sequence is click/release on the surface you want to move, tap the appropriate arrow key and then as you start to move your mouse the autofold will happen in the desired direction.
Thanks Jim,
I think that is better. I used the CamStudio Codec because that fancy coded I downloaded casued CamStudio to open a window for the codec once I tried to start recording and then nothing happened.
The quality is passable. There are a few strange things like the cursor is not recoreded properly when opening menu items. When we open the menu in SketchUp it automatically changes, regardless of the current tool, to a white arrow. But in the recording it shows the cursor are the icon for whatever tool is active.
Is that Codec related?
Thanks Chris, I will need the more robust version.
I am recording the training instructions for my SketchUp Camp program. I have another camp interested and they are not local so I won't be able to train them in person. It is time to create a DVD as part of the instructional materials.
Do you have any advice on Codec to use? the one mentioned above for a price or any other? Thanks again.
ooh, I just looked. that is a little expensive for me.
Has anyone got a good solution for capturing audio instructions as the video is recording? CamStudio seems to have a problem with audio
except I'm talking about not having all these features at all in the "stripped down" version for the Photorealists.
Egan, edesem.
Here's an answer from the Piranesi Forum:
Originally Posted by snoopywang
Hi, Andy
If you want to make a panorama, you just need to export files from 3d software (for example: Microgds
Vedute (companion software to Piranesi)
3dStudio MAX
3dstudio VIZ
Microstation )
as a *.epp format.
Then you can easily realize your dream in Piranesi. Later, you just export files from Piranesi as *.mov format so that you may see it in QuickTime.
Further from another Contributor:
Each MOV file has a series of hot spots. these can be displayed in the viewer by clicking the (?) icon. try them they are quite fun, you can also zoom in or out by using the shift button to zoom in and Ctrl button to zoom out.
all the cut-outs were added in Piranese, the good thing was that as Piranesi recognises the real world locations for the cut-outs I only needed to place them once then import them for the other epp files.
obviously sparcle, lights and general softening of the image was done in Piranesi.
we will try and compress these to make them more managable for the web.
See them here:
well, not in the same way as in SketchUp.
However, you can save each one of your steps and you can save all of the "positioned" entourage in a separate file.
Then when you import in an alternative view of the same model, you can easily apply all of your saved painting steps and read in the entourage which will now be positioned in the same spots relative to this view.
It also can paint up Panoramas
thanks Linea for that explanation.
Actually what allows this to happen in an epix file is that there are 2 extra channels f information being exported with the underlying tif file. Each pixel also has associated with it the name of the material assigned to it as well as the distance and orientation from the viewer relative to every other pixel.
That means that in Piranesi you can isolate areas to treat with a "paint" effect simply by using 4 different "locks" in any combination. So you can hover your paint cursor over a brick wall,say, and with the "material" lock on, it will "paint" all pixels in the model with the "brick" material assigned to it. These material assignments stay with the pixel info even if you have elected to export in hidden line mode with an all white and gray canvas to paoint on.
Further you can limit the paint so that you lock on only to this "plane" or to this "orientation" or to this precise color right under the cursor. You can "select" by using any one of these locks or any combination of. It makes the work much faster and more intelligent than PS because you can also add depth fades. Also you can make you paint choic contiguous or not contiguous.
But for placing entourage it is wonderful Because it is know which pixel is behind which pixel, you can just scoot a person behind a car without all that cuting out that is still necessary in PS. When you define a height or width Piranesi can then locate your image as you move it aroun in 3D space and size it according ot the depth information correctly in perspective.
And when you have completed your rendering and your annoying client has decieded to place a door on wall where there was none, it is so simple. You expot the finished rendering as a rastor file. You open a new version of model, youimport your finishe raster file rendering over topm you locate the new door under the image because you have assigned a unique material to it and Piranesi reports it to you and you "erase" the paint over only that bit. And paint just that bit. Lots more stuff of course.
Thanks Csaba.
Working very hard but to very little end.
Send me a missive and let me know about what you are up to.
For people who do Photorealistic Renderings in other applications, there is no good way to size people and vegetation correctly within the perspective of their rendering.
Sort-of Kind-of is the offering of ArchVison: Composer, which works only with RPC images and only approximates for things that are sitting on the ground plane. You need to place a line where you think the Horizon line is, place a sample image with feet touching the ground and size it so the eyes rest on the Horizon line. Not really very good for a whole lot of reasons.
So I am VERY close to persuading the folks at Informatix to release a stripped down version of Piranesi for PhotoReal renderers. What I need is voices convincing them that it would be a good idea.
The "Piranesi Placer" or Photo Cutout Placer or whatever it would be called would be faily inexpensive and have only the following functions:
Placing 2D & 3D cutouts ( single and multiple) (Piranesi can do cars in a parking lot in a thrice)
To be of use, you would need a raster image file of the finished rendering without the entourage in it yet, an epix file of the underlying model and that is all! You are good to go in Piranesi Placer which will accurately place your entourage photo cutouts or even 3D components in perspective.
If your application does not create epix files, you can run it through SketchUp which does. SketchUp Pro has a epix export and for the free version there is free Ruby Script from Informatix hat will do the epix export.
So could you guys use it and what price?
Only the Pro version of SKetchUp has a built in Epix export to export to Piranesi
There is now a free Ruby Script to remedy that so that people who have SketchUp Free can also make use of Piranesi.
YOu can get it here for WINDOWS or MAC:
Yes I am really looking forward to meeting Mateo. I will love all the conversation. No earplugs required.
Thanks so much for signing up.