Hi Guys, Pete alerted me to this thread. Thank you for the very nice words. However, I did NOT use any APP for the "hand-rendered" look. The entourage was all hand rendered in watercolour, scanned and then painstakingly masked to create a "cut-out".
Some folks still have my entourage email address, it still works. I have been known to supply the odd volume when people ask.
I did indeed retire. I was also the Canadian Authorized training Centre for Sketchup and travelled all over Canada for 5 years teaching in many cities. It was gruelling work and I was pooped. So I retired early, and I am working as a full-time artist. Well, sort of. I am preparing to prepare to be a full -time artist.
So very very nice to be remembered!
RE: Entourage Arts - Where are they now?
RE: Steven Johnson
Oh, as you answered I was editing my reply. See above. All 3 were equally good
RE: Steven Johnson
We need a "like" button on this forum. That was a wonderful post Barbara.
It bore repeating. -
RE: Steven Johnson
Sad tidings have a way of bringing people together. Barbara seemed to drop of the face of the earth for a while. I am happy to hear from her as and well and glad that she was in touch with Steven to the degree that she was able to inform all of us who very much care, about his passing.
Hugs to Barbara, Kris,Mike, Chris ,Csaba, Allan, et al.
RE: Steven Johnson
Mike, I can't thank you enough for sending me a notification about this.
I am deeply saddened to hear this news.
Steven and I last spoke about 2 years ago. We used to speak often. My son and I visited with him some 6 years ago when we were travelling in his vicinity.He was very much part of the character that built the original SketchUp community.
Even though we had not spoken for a while, I will always consider him a friend.
What a raw deal that such a vibrant young soul should have so little time on this earth.I will always think of him with great fondness.
RE: ? about styles
Rose, just to make absolutely sure that you are understanding this:
Modelling settings are those items that are set under "Model" Info. Unless they are broken (and some have been in the past) any setting change there, is a Global change applying to ALL scene tabs and they are NOT individually saved with the scene.
Style Settings on the other hand, and shadow settings, and a few other items ARE saved to a scene individually. If you look at the scene manager you can see a listing of properties that may be saved with a scene.NORMALLY, when you create a new scene tab from a previous one, the Style is automatically the same in the new scene. In fact everything is the same until you make a change and do an "update". If you just want a temporary look see, you don't need a new scene tab. That is, from within your existing scene, orbit the view, change the shadows settings, change all the display settings and then when you want to go back to your original starting point just click again on that same scene tab which you have NOT updated. On the other hand, if you DO want to keep all of the changes AND you also want to keep the original, only then do you create a new scene tab,(which at first is just a duplicate of the original as it was created) and then you right click and "update" the new scene tab which will save all the changes.
You can do something like a shadow study which has several scenes at a different time of the day. So you have changed one of the properties that get saved to a scene, but you haven't touched the Style setting. It is the same in all of your scenes unless you chose to change one of those.
When you change a style setting in one of your scenes, let's say for example you change that scene to a hidden line view, then go to "update" the scene, SketchUp will tell you that you have changed a Style setting and will ask you if you want to create a new version of your existing style but with hidden line and save that Style to this scene tab ONLY or do You want to change the existing Style which will apply the change Globally to ALL the scenes.Hope that helps
Generic Location List
I know one can add a Manual Location by looking up the longitude and latitude,
but really that old generic list that came Standard with SketchUp up until Version 7 was MUCH more convenient and GOOD ENOUGH for many purposes.I have some users who would like to see the effect on shadows if they change the location on earth several times in succession. Too much work to look up all those longitudes and latitudes and they really only need a general idea.
Can that list be rescued from SketchUp 6 and made to work with 8?
I searched high and low for a script but found none.Thanks much.
RE: Golden Section: Debunked
Sorry Jeff.
The first thing I did was try and fit that Golden Spiral on the Nautilus and found that it just doesn't fit at all. That is why they never show them superimposed. One can easily see that that one just doesn't work
Chris, I know that when they built Cathedrals they took all kinds of ratios and numbers from Bible stories and made the Cathedrals fit those proportions.
I've seen some analysis of paintings that have all sorts of geometric patterning imposed on them halves and thirds and bisected circles and so on. I'm not sure if they were really designed that way or if people really like to impose "systems" on that which we wish to emulate. -
RE: Golden Section: Debunked
Did you actually read the scholarly article attached? It really shows empirically that the golden Section was not used.
Golden Section: Debunked
So it appears that the truth is that Leonardo did NOT use the Golden Section in designing either his compositions or in finding proportions of the human body,
that the Parthenon was built before "phi" was even discovered and that no matter how you slice it the proportions do NOT align with a golden section.What IS true is that PHI is often found mysteriously in nature, but people do not automatically draw a golden section rectangle as preference, that architects, when surveyed, are convinced that the next guy is using it for his designs, but they don't.
Anyway, here is the very interesting article:
http://gurneyjourney.blogspot.ca/2013/01/mythbusting-golden-mean-part-1.html -
RE: Using Photo Match
I think I may understand what you want.
I am assuming you have done some Match Photo before but have not used all the features?
You did not mention setting the scale of your grid and adjusting the grid to fit the real world scale of something known in your Photo. That is necessary.
Once you have completed adjusting the axis you need to use the "Sketch Over" function. So you sketch over your main surfaces, then project the photomatch photo onto the surface by clicking on the "Project Photo" button in the Match Photo Dialogue Window. Now you are able to model more of the details from these surfaces or add new ones. You will be able to paint new materials onto the individual surfaces you create. If the new material-photo doesn't fit properly you can use "texture-tweaking" to pull the perspective out of it and fit your modeled section. This is a quick and dirty explanation and if you haven't done this before, you will likely need more detailed explanation. But I believe this will get you what you want. -
RE: Using Photo Match
I'm not quite clear, do you have a photograph of this new element and it is the photo that you wish to superimpose or is it modeled?
RE: A new home for SketchUp
So Trimble Stock closed up 2.5% today. I knew it, I knew it.
RE: A new home for SketchUp
"Trimble has been the North American entity that has been gobbling up a huge string of geospatial companies, alongside Sweden-based Hexagon. The fact that SketchUp is in Boulder, and that Trimble is close by in Westminster, Colo., likely had something to do with the deal. The proximity, certainly has meant a series of existing partnerships between the companies, although according to a recent conversation, Google uses Topcon technology for StreetView data collection."
from this link: http://www.vector1media.com/spatialsustain/why-did-trimble-buy-sketchup-and-why-did-google-sell.html
the author describes SketchUp modelling and learning curve in a way that makes it clear that he has never really attempted to use SketchUp. However, he does seem to have a lot of inside industry info. -
RE: A new home for SketchUp
Well, I have made a decision where I stand on this and decided that my parents would do well to invest in Trimble ( I have no money).
They are now proud owners of Trimble stock. -
RE: A new home for SketchUp
Yes I also wonder about how that affects trainers.
RE: A new home for SketchUp
My first thought was "why"?
Since it was Google that introduced the idea of a free version of SketchUp they cannot possibly be disappointed if the revenues are not there. They set up the scenario that guaranteed little revenue so therefore they clearly had a different agenda. In what way has that agenda not been fulfilled which has caused Google to re-evaluate?I would like to know how come, which of course I will never know.
In many ways creating the free version was a boon. It caused SketchUp to be almost universally known. In other ways it caused a problem amongst professional users who might otherwise have adopted the use of SketchUp but regarded it as "oh, that shareware". I do think it was a mistake to give away for free, so very much. The free version would not have been a bad idea if it had not been so robust.
Perhaps a purchase by a group within the industry who will understand that will create a free version that is much more restricted. That may not be such a bad idea. -
RE: MAC: rename extension .zip to .rbz
Oh thank you that is very useful information.
I look forward to your next post!
RE: MAC: rename extension .zip to .rbz
default_layer_geometry - Copy.zipIn fact, here are the 2 files: the .rbz and the .zip, both containing the same files.
I would invite any MAC user who is interested to try it out and perhaps help to find a solution? Thanks.
default_layer_geometry.rbzI made a little mistake having uploaded the .rb instead of the .rbz. Fixed now.
Thanks TIG for bringing it to my attention.