It's not working at all.
RE: [Plugin] Mesh Importer
BTW it seems that a cmd window blinks for a fraction of a second and does nothing.
RE: [Plugin] Mesh Importer
@jim said:
Thanks for your patience. I just want to make sure you gave tried version 15.4 which I uploaded last evening and which fixed a similar problem kaas had?
Yes - the newest version. Feel free to ask more questions. I'd be glad to see the plugin working. For now I stick with TIG's obj importer.
RE: [Plugin] Mesh Importer
@jim said:
It would help if you could try to import the file while the Ruby Console window is open, and then post any errors here.
Mesh Importer Result:
D:...\stone.obj.skp was not created. -
RE: [Plugin] Mesh Importer
@jim said:
@smicha said:
When I choose - any file - and select obj nothing happens.
Windows or Mac? What version? 32 or 64 bit?
win 7 64bit.
RE: [Plugin] Mesh Importer
@jim said:
@smicha said:
Could you add obj import - this is one of the most important format.
If you select Any File Type in the File Selection dialog, you will be able to select .obj files and import them. Textures are not supported, though. Right now I am just trying to figure out how to make it work on different operating systems and versions.
When I choose - any file - and select obj nothing happens.
RE: [Plugin] Mesh Importer
Could you add obj import - this is one of the most important format.
How to keep the final scene?
I am new to SF. I just did a simulation and wanted to select a box. Once I pressed the spacebar entire state was reset as before the simulation. How to stop the simulation and edit the items, move them manually, etc? Spacebar is resetting the simulation.
Am I missing something?
RE: [Plugin] GOSU v1.1.1
my fault. I tested it on a group instead of a component. It works like a charm. -
RE: SKP format is so slow; I wish...MULTITHREADING
I am not talking about multithreading for saving files.
SKP format files that are above 100-200mb are saved within dozens of seconds - this is the problem.
RE: Wishlist - Improvements Only
Why there is no multithreading?
Why there is no support for alembic files?
Why Sketchup is so slow in terms of saving large files?
Why there is no support for fast import of obj files? -
RE: SKP format is so slow; I wish...MULTITHREADING
Turning off 'Redefine thumbnails on save' reduces saving time to 20-30 seconds which is still huge, compared to a fraction of a second in 3ds max or in zbrush ,or modo.
SKP format is so slow; I wish...MULTITHREADING
200MB file + ctrl S = nightmare for about 1 minute!
TRIMBLE please do something with this terrible time of saving SKP files and introduce multithreading - all major players have it done but Sketchup.
Sketchup is great but can be fast.
RE: Different UVs in same instances
It is possible to have different textures on the same UV of a component! And you can move, scale, rotate these textures independently on each component/instance.
Just use Octane render. TIG helped in the development of exporting plugin and here is my topic on Octane forum how to use instancing and Sketchup.
Alembic file format support for animation
Is there any news about alembic support for animated scene transitions in SU?
Octane just introduced beta version 1.21 that supports scenes in alembic file format (.abc) for animations rendering (Maya supports this).I am just curious if Trimble plans to introduce alembic file support.
RE: Largest amount of faces, edges, components etc in one model?
Billions, trillions,... using Octane and instancing.
RE: SketchUp 2014 Wishlist
I have a 150MB file (about 25m edges). When I hit ctrl+s it takes about 1 minute to save to file. I created a ram disk so speed up the saving process. The time was reduced to 25 seconds. But still IMO this is irritating. 25 seconds? I converted the model to 3ds max format and checked how fast it is saved under 3ds max. Ctrl+S and ... it's done. Not even a second.
SU TEAM please do something with speeding up the saving process.