Spacemouse plugin problem. Ruby Guru needed!
In my twenty years with this Forum, I don't think I have ever had a post not responded to, even if it's just "RTFM"
Have I posted this in the wrong discussion? Or is it insoluble?
I am still trying to trace the problem with support but nothing works
However this appears in the Ruby console window with this query...load “3dxSketchup.rb”
Error: #<NameError: undefined local variable or method
“3dxSketchup' for main:Object> <main>:in
SketchUp:1:in `eval'Does anyone know what that means? Anybody?
PS: I have just tried the same install on my W/shop PC, which has very similar specs to the Studio PC. Exactly the same result, which I think rules out user or machine error.
@baz said in Spacemouse plugin problem. Ruby Guru needed!:
In my twenty years with this Forum, I don't think I have ever had a post not responded to
It's partly the time of year, your post has only had 13 views as I write this. Only a few people will decipher ruby errors.
Oh and RTFM -
@baz Have you ruled out an extension clash by only loading the 3Dx extension?
Judging the ruby output SketchUp's own extensions.rb is complaining
There is a big difference in how SketchUp handles webdialog stuff between 2019 and more modern editions. Recent changes did break older approaches.
If it was me, I'd rename the Plugins to ###Plugins to prevent it loading so I would have a vanilla SketchUp install.
See if that still throws errors.
@Box LOL. Merry Christmas.
@Rich-O-Brien Thanks Rich. Tried the plugin rename and made a new plugin folder with just the Space mouse stuff. Rebooted and all. No joy.
I estimate I have spent about 15 hours on this now.
3dConnection support have had me doing everything apart from taking the back off the PC!Just about ready to give up on this
I was going to bite the bullet and subscribe to SU23 just to have the S/Mouse working, but I notice a lot of people still having trouble with getting it to work.Hope you have a good hols.
Cheers -
@baz I think you might have to bite the bullet and subscribe to the latest version.
Can you trial it and confirm it works? That at least would be a good option
@Rich-O-Brien Yes it works in the SU24 trial. So decision-decision...
@baz You could try installing an older version of the driver.
@Box 3D Connection support had me doing that about 4 times. Still waiting to hear back on the latest round of 'Fixes'. Will be next year I expect. But having fun with SU24.
That error looks like a downstream consequence of something failing to load earlier.
I finally solved it!
It was a dodgy plugin/extension. I don't know which one, but luckily it wasn't one of the ones I use constantly. I probly had 50 old plugins from years ago that I've never used.This only became clear when the Space Mouse in the trial version of SU24 stopped working after I had loaded a few Bundles of Extensions. So I did a clean re-install of SU24 and loaded my necessary plugins one by one. I stopped when I had everything I needed and all was good. Then back to SU19, I used the Extension Manager in SU to uninstall everything except the proven ones in SU24 and bingo, all is as it should be.
Note: Rich's suggestion of a 'Vanilla" install, (see above), did not work in my case, though I don't see why it wouldn't.
Cheers and Happy New Year to you all.