[Plugin] 2D Tools
@tig said:
I am stuck.
I can't get the issue to appear on PC.
A few MAC users have had issues, but I haven't been able to track-down the problem...
If you try the tools when the Ruby Console is open are there any error massages ?No messages. One thing I come in mind; just before this started I got the "unexpected file format" error message on one of my models. I did not use 2dtools in that project but the problems started right after that.
anyways, I can live without that tool so no need to do alot of work and errorhunting.
I use many of your tools every day. Thanks for all the work and good tools! -
Thank you for this wonderful ruby
and I have a problem
my 2d tools is related with y axis. not z axis
so, actually I can't find any way to use it correctly
Do you have any way to solve this problem?
or Can I direct the right axis?
My sketchup is 2022 version
I'm looking forward to your reply
thank you
Edit the style so ground and sky are displayed and repeat the screenshots.
It appears you have moved the model axes. That doesn't change the ground plane orientation.
@marketeye said:
my 2d tools is related with y axis. not z axis
These tools are designed to work on the ground plane, which is indicated by the default location of the red/green (x,y) plane so with no Z element. Use the standard Top view.
By the way, your profile indicates you are using SketchUp 2022 Free/Make but there is no such version. Please correct that as the information in your profile helps us help you.
2dTools always draws 'flat' on the model's ground plane XY, or above/below it, if you change its datum.
I suspect that you have changed the model's displayed axes to not be the default model's axes - e.g. the blue Z axis is now rotated and the green Y axis is shown where the Z axis really is.
2dTools always use the model's default axes, even when you have manually reset them.
To change your axes back to the default you set the axes to be displayed and right-click > context-menu when hovering the cursor over any one of the three axis lines [RGB] and choosing 'Reset' from the context-menu...
If your Template, used for your new models, has ill-advisedly got revised axes then you probably want to fix that too... -
When I use the 2d Line Style tool and right click in an open space to activate the Style Dialog box, I get the Invert Selection dialog instead. I am using Version SketchUp Pro 2020 20.2.172 64-bit. I reinstalled the update below with no change.
Please help.
Thank you, GBR -
It works fine for me !
What extension do you have that adds 'invert selection' ?
Whatever it is, it shouldn't work if nothing is selected - because there would be nothing to invert ?Do you have anything selected before right-clicking ??
@tig said:
I am stuck.
I can't get the issue to appear on PC.
A few MAC users have had issues, but I haven't been able to track-down the problem...
If you try the tools when the Ruby Console is open are there any error massages ?I also met the such problem. I did some tests and found the possible problem.
For the 2dArc Tool:
Steps:- Click
- Move on the screen
- Click
- Move on the screen
After step 4, SketchUp crashed.(Only on MacOS, Windows is fine)
Possible Reason:
After step 3, the view will draw a line, which presents two points the arc will pass through.
In Step 4, the 2dArc tool will create a temporary arc, get the points of this arc, then remove the arc, and draw lines of those points. Those operations will execute when the mouse moves, and this may consume large CPU resources.If I remove these operations, then the tool works well. But I don't know why Sketchup only crashes on MacOS.
I looked into this (posted also on the SketchUp public forum). Reposting here where TIG keeps the actual extension and has the main discussion about it.
I reproduced the issue on macOS Ventura 13.3.1 on my Intel-based 2019 MBP 16" using both SketchUp 2023.0.396 and SketchUp 2022.1.165. So it is not specific to Apple Silicon nor to SketchUp 2023. I don’t have a pre-Ventura version of macOS running, so I can’t verify whether the issue also happens on Monterey or earlier.
After some testing, I found that the extension was looping in the draw (view) method after the second point is picked (in the @state > 1 clause.) I think the problem is that the code calls view.invalidate from within the draw method, triggering an immediate call again to draw - endless loop! I commented out the view.invalidate, and the problem went away.
I’m not clear why the view.invalidate was needed in the first place, even on Windows. @TIG, perhaps you can explain? If it is needed on Windows or older versions of macOS, a simple branch test based on OS version could fix it?
Thanks very much for your testing and info.
I'll look at the code and try getting rid of the view.invalidate parts, re-sign it and give out some test versions RBZ, republishing if it's proved OK... -
Hello TIG
I am a real fan of your extensions.
2D I use every day. But 2023 release dose not allow to parametre lines, witdth and type.
Unless I am dumb, do you have a solution
Marc ANGLARET France -
This plugin crashes SU when used on an M1 Mac.
These issues are known with M1 MACs - it's fine on other OSs and PCs.
I'm working with a skilled MAC Ruby-scripter and I think we'll have a working solution this week, so parts are already fixed ! -
I would like to ask for help with a small change to the 2D Fillet code.
I do a little woodworking (cabinet) and would like some tools to make my job easier. I tried to change the code myself, but my knowledge in programming is very insufficient). So I am asking you to help me. Also, let me say up front that I know of other chamfering and rounding tools, but they don't work for me for various reasons. They do not create a solid arc or curve, and the chamfer function has no methods to set different chamfer distances.
Now about the code. I would like to have a simple 3D Fillet/Chemfer. The tool should work with objects (group or component) regardless of nesting level. I added the code to the onMouseMove method and now it works.def onMouseMove(flags, x, y, view) ### ph = view.pick_helper ph.do_pick(x,y) @poss_edge = ph.picked_edge ### center_ip = Sketchup;;InputPoint.new center_ip.pick(view, x, y) view.model.active_path = center_ip.instance_path.valid? ? center_ip.instance_path ; nil if @state==0 if @alt ### chamfer ..................
But here there is a problem) How to remove residual geometry? Look at the picture. Am I understanding this correctly? I need to find the residual face and push it to the parallel face. right? Or maybe there are other ways to do it differently?
I've enjoyed using 2D tools for years, especially LINE STYLE.
Recently my Line Style tool doesnt work correctly. All it does is hide lines.
In the past, you would right-click out in space beyond the model, and you'd get a context menu. (width, color, etc) That doesn't happen anymore. There's no menu.
Other tools in the set seem to work OK. Any ideas? Anyone else having this issue? -
Down on the status bar, I see:
2D Line Style: 1.0 Continuous_____Black. Right-Click(empty space)= Settings-Dialog. ,Enter>/Double-Click=End.
But when I right click in empty space, there's no menu that pops up.
I starting to rewrite it to be compatible with newer SketchUps...
It was never published,
In the newer version - tTry the tapping the TAB key instead of right-clicking in open-space.
Changes to SketchUp messed with right-clicking !
Try the latest version from the PluginStore...
But I've PM'd my v8 RBZ to you and Dave R for your info... -
@dave r said:
@sketchydog said:
Recently my Line Style tool doesnt work correctly.
What version of SketchUp?
I just tested it in SketchUp 2023 and it works fine.
[attachment=0:3jtn2osm]<!-- ia0 -->2dt.gif<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:3jtn2osm]Dave- I'm on 2022.0.354 64 bit on PC