Material Library of PBR plugin includes 100 materials --> Direct link to download it.

RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
v1.4.5 of PBR plugin fixes a light exposure issue in Viewport.
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
I'm happy to announce that PBR plugin is now available through the SketchUcation PluginStore.
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
PBR plugin v1.4.3 :
- Checks required plugin.
- Externalizes material lib.
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
The latest PBR plugin version (downloadable here) includes a toolbar
and one more material. -
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
@chippwalters said:
Great stuff! Just found out about this plugin. Look forward to trying it
Thank you!
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
PBR plugin v1.4.1 is out.
- Enhances Material Editor UX.
- Library includes 82 materials.
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
PBR plugin v1.4.0 is out!
What's new?
- You can change sun elevation in Viewport. Sun and stars rise.
- You can save image in Viewport just by clicking on camera icon.
- Hold mouse middle button to zoom more quickly in Viewport!
- You can enter VR mode in Viewport β if you own a VR headset.
- You can't change environment map from menu anymore. Sorry.
- Material Library includes 79 materials! Thanks to Texture Haven.
- You can change sun elevation in Viewport. Sun and stars rise.
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
The next PBR plugin version will include a virtual atmosphere (sun and stars). Demonstration:
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
PBR plugin v1.3.6 includes a library of 73 materials!
Most have been converted from
All these materials contain at least one normal map. -
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
v1.3.5 of PBR plugin has just been released.
Enhance macOS support.
Upgrade Chromium browsers.
Update sunlight direction. Beta
Add two materials to library.
Clarify menu and Viewport UI.
Fix camera's orbit control damping.
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
@peerman said:
Ah thank you! I should've read the documentation better...
I will try it again.Best,
No problem, Peter.
Best regards,
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
@peerman said:
[...] the UVs aren't coming through correct. [...]
This is a known issue and there is a workaround.
@unknownuser said:
Texture looks weird with perpendicular lines around.
With your preferred photo editing software, resize texture image to a power of 2 in height and width (e.g. 1024x2048, 2048x2048, 4096x4096). Reimport texture image in SketchUp.
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
@peerman said:
Edit: OK, after replacing the chromium app with the latest from the viewport is working!
Next PBR plugin version will include latest Chromium macOS stable version.
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
@peerman said:
[...] I'm also not sure how I can start a render? Is that the force viewport update or am I missing something. The help page on github is not really helping as well. [...]
I added a Workflow section in GitHub README:
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
@peerman said:
Hi Samuel,
I get this:
/Users/peter/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2018/SketchUp/Plugins/pbr/Chromium/Mac/ can get inside the plugin folder and find the chromium app but I can't start it. All priviliges are correct for the files read and write are set for all files within the pbr folder. Maybe if I replace the Chromium app with a newer one from the internet it works? I will try today.
PeterHello Peter,
File: exists. Read/Write: granted. OK. Now...
Open a Terminal in OS this time and paste this:
chmod +x '/Users/peter/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2018/SketchUp/Plugins/pbr/Chromium/Mac/'
It should make Chromium file executable.
Best regards,
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
The new PBR plugin version (1.3.4) :
Keeps camera position in Viewport.
Increases material library to 9 elem.
Fixes an exposure issue in Viewport.
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
Hello. PBR plugin version 1.3.1 is available.
What's new?
Plugin comes with a tiny PBR materials library. Donate to make it grow!
When you
save,open or create a model: Viewport is automatically updated.
Technically, nginx Web server has been replaced by Chromium Web browser.
As part of an update, remember to disable plugin before uninstalling-reinstalling it.
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
@peerman said:
Hi, I really want to test this plugin but when I install the plugin (or after restarting SU) I get the message that Chromium cannot be found "Get latest". I'm working on a Mac. I can change materials but force viewport update crashed SU. I'm also not sure how I can start a render? Is that the force viewport update or am I missing something. The help page on github is not really helping as well.
I hope you can help/fix. The plugin looks promissing! Thanks!
PeterHi Peter,
Viewport use Chromium. Viewport opens automatically.
I don't have a Mac, this is why its support may be buggy.It seems you have a problem related to path or chmod.
Please open Ruby Console in SketchUp and paste this:PBR;;Chromium.executable
Then give me back console answer with a screenshot.
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
A new version is available, 1.3.3.
- Add exposure control in Viewport.
Add one material to "PBR" library.
Disable Viewport update on save.
It was too slow. I recommend to set a shortcut for menu entry "Force Viewport Update".