@erkan said:
I see, so can you share what your plans are? From the sound of it I can't help dreaming a plugin that will create an object in the SU to dynamically output the difference to the -+0.00 level.
Some questions around that would be;
1- Do you want to attach this to an object that will be manually placed, moved or to a specific surface (i.e. floor, paving, deck) and it will be automatically updated?
2- Styles for the markers to be customizable?
3- To be graphically handled differently in elevation and plan view.
4- Interaction with the section planes (i.e. how close it could get to a section plane?)
5- Match the drawing units or have it's own unit controls (It is quite common to use Meters for elevation markers in a drawing where the other dimensions are millimeters)
6- I think it will be wonderful to extend the capability to mark slopes in plan and elevation as well.
Whew it looks like you'll have a challenging task starting
Good luck,
Hi Erkan,
What you are describing is very much what I hope to achieve (someday). I've included a PDF "plan" of what I would like to do so far. But to answer your specific questions:
- At least in it's first iteration, I'd like the plugin to be able to read the z height of any given point (when clicked on, and create a marker that is dynamically linked to said height. (Ideally keeping track of the height as you modify terrain).1. I would like to build in several graphic styles or options for the markers, as you suggested 1. Different handling of views would be good (IE visible in both elevation, plan, perspective, etc. 1. This one's interesting, I hadn't even thought about the interaction with section planes. I'd love any suggestion you have here. 1. I think the individual or special unit control/readout would be a great idea, as you said. It would be a pain if working in mm to have the markers read in mm for a Master Plan or some such project. 1. Slope marking would be another great addition to the list that I hadn't even thought of.
Thanks for the input. I guess my first question for those of you familiar with Ruby is where to begin?
I wanted to build a fairly complete road map of the project before starting, so that I can at least try to minimize how much I have to go back and rebuild for new features. That being said, I know that it's going to be a very challenging task. For me though, I usually learn better through bigger challenges.
I'm thinking the best place for me to start is to knock out most of my "road map", then start building the individual modules to piece together as I go. The first one I'll probably try to tackle is just the task of creating a Spot Elevation Marker in 1 graphic style wherever I click. That'll probably be a heck of a challenge for now.
Again, I'm super new to this, so if there's significant flaws in the logic of this or how I'm going about it, let me know.
Thanks again,
Spot Elevation Markers Script - Development Map.pdf