Nice renders! Great use of 2D trees!

RE: The Art of SketchUp - part 1: Fantasy
@cmoreink said:
Hi Ken, I like your work, great
Thanks, Pawel. Glad you like my art work.
Here's a "making 0f" Greek Temple.
1-Modeling in Sketchup
2-Textures done in Photoshop and imported into sketchup
3-Paint-over to add broken pieces, dirt ,etc.
4-Final presentation with textures reference.A few concepts for some ruins.
RE: Axe tower
@unknownuser said:
quote="artysmedia"]I challenge the ken's catapult, with my tower of axes...
**LOL**...very cool, Roberto!
Let the battle begin!
Have a nice day!
RE: The Pantheon, Rome (WIP)
Awesome work...looking forward to the finished model.
RE: The Art of SketchUp - part 2: Sci-Fi
Hi there,
Here are some more views of one of the model from the first post.
Take care,
RE: The Art of SketchUp - part 1: Fantasy
A few props. As usual, modeled in sketchup with texturing in Photoshop.
Have a great week, everyone.
RE: The Art of SketchUp - part 2: Sci-Fi
More views pf the same model from original post.
Have a great weekend!
RE: The Art of SketchUp - part 1: Fantasy
Hey guys,
So I have been digging into my files from GnH Concept and Visual Developments and will be posting some each day or every other day, when I have time.
Here are some concepts for bridges
Have a great weekend!
RE: House Flower 1 - Tulip
Nice stuff, Eric.
May I suggest to have some leaves that bend a little bit more? Right now they seem too rigid.
RE: More Concept Art....
@andyc said:
Thanks Ken - just been enjoying your 'art-of' threads
Hey andy,
Haha cool. I will keep on posting new ones when i have the chance.
Have a nice evening!
RE: The Art of SketchUp - part 2: Sci-Fi
Dolf: Thank you. Will keep on posting.
Boofredlay: LOL...thank you.
Roberto/artysmedia: Most of my texturing is postwork in Photoshop. However, I do put textures and materials directly into the models when possible or when Photoshop cannot do its magic with for example bricks or other tileable materials. Well, it can, but it will take longer and it is more difficult to keep the right perspective/proportions, while in sketchup you just use the pain bucket, fast and easy.
Scottpara: Thanks, Scott. I love doing details in my sketchup models.
Ok, here another sci-fi weapon. I will add more stuff later.
Thanks for viewing.
Cool plane, Dolf. Will you put texture/materials on it?
Have a great one!
RE: The Art of SketchUp - part 1: Fantasy
Dolf: Glad you like my fantasy and sci-fi threads. I will try to post some new images whenever I have time. Thank you.
Roberto/Artysmedia: Anytime...bring you castle in the sky with the planes to fight my catapults!
Anyway, here are some concepts for basement of the Coliseum. In case you wonder, it is not oval, indeed. The reason is that it is easier for modelers to build it with a perfect circle. But I kept the architecture of the interiors as close as I can to the real building if I have reference images, if not i came up with my own interpretation.
Have a nice day!
RE: The Art of SketchUp - part 2: Sci-Fi
numbthumb: No, the sci-fi models are personal projects. I am actually working on a sci-fi game in conjunction with SyFy channel. Hopefully I can show some of them in the future. Right now I am under NDA.
Adam: Thank you. I hope your son will get inspired by my work and get back to sketchup.
Have a nice one,
RE: The Art of SketchUp - part 1: Fantasy
Pilou: Merci, je suis content que tu as aime.
Liam: I used Podium. That was one of their first version back in 2007 I believe. Although I am into Vray for Sketchup now, I really like Podium due to its awesome radiosity. I think it's available for Mac but not sure. check out their website for more info.
Jeff: Thank you, I am glad you like my stuff.
Take care,
The Art of SketchUp - part 2: Sci-Fi
Hi there,
I am back with the Sci-Fi stuff as promised in my previous thread (The Art of Sketchup - part 1: Fantasy -
These were done a couple years ago when I did not have the plugins made by the ruby script geniuses (TIG, Chris Fullmer, Fredo, ThomThom,Jim, etc.). I wish I could have time to revisit these models in the future. I will certainly do more interesting and crazy shapes with plugins such as TIG's set of Extrude Edges by (faces, rails, etc.) or Chris' Component Stringer and shape bender.
Anyway, enjoy!
The Art of SketchUp - part 1: Fantasy
Hi guys,
I have been following this forum for a while now and was always amazed by lots of great models and renders. I never had the time to post my own stuff.
So here we go. I want to share some models that I did for work as well as personal projects. The genre of the first part is Fantasy. I will send out another email with Sci-Fi models later. Here it is
Some of these were done a few years ago, but I think they still look good. I did them for an MMO called Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising, that was unfortunately canceled in early 2008. However, the latest news is that a new game company bought the rights and all the assets to revive that Roman Mythology theme game last months. So maybe GnH will rise again.
I've been working on a new MMO ( the past two years. I use Sketchup to build architecture, weapons and props. I hope to be able to show you some of these models someday.
But in the meantime, please enjoy the concept art and visual developments done for GnH as wells as some personal projects.
Have a great day!
[img:13btup0m] of Sketchup - Fantasy/catapult_02.jpg[/img:13btup0m]
RE: The A show (post your Thea images)
Wow, really nice renders, Pete. Seems like you had lots of fun with Thea the past few days.
Do you or anyone else use Vray for Sketchup? How does Thea compare to Vray?
After seeing all your images, I need to try that new render.