Hello community...
I am looking for help to create a quick plugin. I have been looking for one that has this functionality but have not been able to find any, so maybe creating it is the only option.
I am creating fairly complex DC models of a furniture line. Each furniture piece has various finish options that an end user can select from in order to customize their final purchase. The client would like a JPEG of each combo to show on their website, along with a series of images that show the furniture piece rotating. I have already set up the scenes needed for the views the client wants as well as for the rotation and being able to do "File->Export->Animation->Image Set" seems to work just fine. Only thing is doing that for 400+ possible combinations is extremely time consuming.
Looking to create a plugin that would "read" certain parameters of the DC, select a combination, and export out the image set for that combination, and move on to the next combination. Additionally if we can specify a naming convention for the image set that is being exported... that would be useful as the images would relate to the furniture piece and the finish chose.
Any one up for the challenge? If so, please drop me a note and let me know 1) how long this would take to create and 2) what price tag would come with creating this plugin.