It works for me on win8 with SU8 and IE10. Do you have the same problem with a new file ?
If so, can you zip and upload your plugins folder ?
RE: [Plugin][WIP] Layers Panel - Dev
RE: [Plugin][WIP] Layers Panel - Dev
@rich o brien said:
Once I hide a Layer I can't unhide it unless I nest it in a Layer Group
Great tool
Weird, it works for me on win8 with SU2013 and IE10.
Which versions of SU and IE are you using ? -
RE: [Plugin][WIP] Layers Panel - Dev
Hey guys !
I finally got a working version (See first post for download). It saves sorting/nesting (Except group hiding/collapsing)
I still wouldn't recommand using it in production though, as it may produce bugsplats, and it still behave strangely with the undo stack.There are still a lot of bugs, so I need you guys to help me track them and getting methods to reproduce them.
I updated the first post with what's working and what's not.I don't think it works on mac, though I'm not able to test...
For now, I tested only on win7 SU2013 IE8-10, with no bugsplats so far.Feedback (about bugs or features) would be highly appriciated !
RE: Module variables and nested class
Thanks a lot Thomas ! That was exactly what I was looking for.
@tt_su said:
Alternatively, in the case of observers, I usually define methods in the root module which I call from the observers - defining minimum amount of code in the observer class itself.
For what ? Less bugsplats/erros ?
RE: Module variables and nested class
Thanks guys !
I used constants as Aerilius pointed, but had to use
for this method to work. -
Module variables and nested class
Hi guys !
As I said before on the forum, I'm new to ruby. I learned a lot, but despite a decent amount of research, I can't seem to figure this out :
require 'sketchup.rb' module JBB_MyModule @model = Sketchup.active_model @layers = @model.layers @customVar = #something # Some code using these @variables class JBB_LP_AppObserver < Sketchup;;AppObserver def onNewModel(newModel) #or onOpenModel @model = newModel @layers = newModel.layers @customVar = #some other thing end#def end#class end#module
It's not working. I tried local and class variables, which don't work either. It works with global variables, but obviously I'd like to avoid this. And of course it works using "Sketchup.active_model" each time, but the code becomes messy and unreadable.
What should I do ?
Thanks, jbb
RE: Rhino question
You can also change the default material color in the "styles" window.
RE: .rb! extension?
These are plugins disabled by the SketchUcation tool. Just rename them to .rb
RE: Set layer color with code possible?
Tig wrote a snipper for this :
But it only sets a RGB color. No material, no reading the color.It seems adam found a way to do it with the SDK :
Although he always forget to upload it ^^ -
RE: Window's shadow disappears with sunlight
Do you have a rectangular light in front of the window ?
Did you change the sun's size ? -
RE: SketchUp 2014 Wishlist
- Undo (or at least cancel) Match Photo modifications.
RE: 3d mockup with 2d sketches?
Maybe you could photomatch your model onto the 2D sketches ?
Then you would have one scene per sketch with the model aligned. -
RE: Right-click to sort a growing list of plugins
I don't know about your question, but in the meantime, try LaunchUp !
RE: Your Ideas for SketchUp 2014
No offense Jason, but I think we get it. You don't want SU any more and you found better softwares. You don't need to post in every single thread to tell us about your personal feeling.
You don't like SU, or where SU is heading, or SU's team. Ok, so be it. Here it's SketchUcation, we come here to discuss about SU, not your feelings.
I don't have any problem with people giving their thoughts about SU, but you did plenty of time, and you're just repeating yourself. You found greener grass, move on -
RE: Consistent Crashing - Caused by plugin?
The beta is rather unstable.
Probably the cause. -
RE: Your Ideas for SketchUp 2014
Small question about the clipping plane issue :
If it's resolved and we can zoom in forever on details, how can we zoom in through a face ? Like you zoom out and get stuck inside au volume, curently you zoom in to get to the other side of the face. It wouldn't be possible any more.
RE: Restore Toolbar Position? SU2013
Except when you change icon size...