@gordy_z said:
Thank you Pierreden for all the work you've put in on your ivy generator and thank you Gilles63 for providing different shaped leaves.
In order to understand how the different variables affected the morphology of the ivy, I tested each variable on separate white walls. After doing this I modeled the ivy for the model I'm working on by choosing the best starting point for any variable by looking in the "ivy library" then exploring the nearby values of that variable on a test wall with my model's texture on it. I've uploaded the model that shows these first two steps so that you can see how the variables behave.
Then I mixed and matched variables to get the final look for my model (not shown in the upload). I think mixing and matching gives unexpected results, so if you use the library, please use it only as a very general guide.
It's an approximately 45 MB file, is at DropBox address https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79073930/Sketchup%20Ivy%200pt6pt3%20Tests.skp , and seems to work better with View/Face Style set to as simple a style as you can (you probably don't need to see the textures on my test walls). I tried to upload it here but couldn't, presumably because of the file size. If a file this size can be included here, let me know how and I'll do it. I hope it helps!
The library looks very useful, yet the dropbox link above is offline.
Any chance for a re-up?