Plugin: ene_camMemory by Julia Christina (eneroth3) Eneroth
"Saves the camera position in just 2 clicks so it can be retrieved later. Works between models. Perfect for version comparison for instance."
"Put To Memory"/"Retrieve From Memory"
RE: Copy Camera
RE: [Plugin] ClothWorks v1.8.0 - 28 Apr 2024
Did I read that correctly? - "I got to get mpshysics back to life!"
Yes! Yes! Yes!
That would be fantastic. When will the time come? -
RE: A little Fun Exercise
Funny and detailed model and as always informatively presented!
It makes me want to play with MSPhysics again.
I still have a lot of half-finished fun projects lying in the HD drawer...
Unfortunately I haven't had the time or inclination for it for 2 years, even though good old SketchUp 2017 still works.
How did you model/arrange the different poses? -
RE: Atmospheric approach
Your penultimate picture reminds me of a landscape in my home country.
This is what it could look like there in 50 years...
(Bastion in Saxon Switzerland National Park)
By crazy people I mean the people who drive their cars onto rocks like this...
(Image source:
RE: Julia Eneroth's Viewport Resizer / SketchUp 2023
I'm glad this helps.
I find it a shame that the SkerchUp programmers have not yet considered it necessary to implement a precisely definable image export, even though the basic functions are available in Rubi.
Regarding school: "Hochschule für Architektur- und Bauwesen Weimar" today "Bauhaus Universität" - we punched out punched cards and handed them over to the computer center (short time after Konrad Zuse...)
I learned most of Rubi from AntonS for scripting in MSPhysics and from customizing simple plugins for my own purposes. It's enough for small things... -
RE: Julia Eneroth's Viewport Resizer / SketchUp 2023
If that helps: a plugin for easily exporting SketchUp images, as shown in the viewport but with free input of height, width, format and compression.
Originally modified for a smooth scene animation to coincide with the Skindigo AnimationExport (Indigo Render Animation).
Here reduced to a SketchUp single image output with input of image parameters.
Transfer the code to an rb file called Single_Image_Export.rb and copy it to the plugin folder of the respective SUp version (tested up to SUp2022).
Restart SketchUp ....# Formerly Created by Dale Martens AKA 'Whaat' as "Smoothstep Animation" # Released 6 Oct 2008 As-is and without warranty of any kind. # Originally modified by faust07 for a smooth scene animation to coincide with the Skindigo AnimationExport (Indigo Render Animation). # Here reduced to a SketchUp single image export with input of image parameters. # Modified by faust07 (AT) 2024-03-25 require 'sketchup.rb' if( not file_loaded?("Single_Image_Export.rb") )"Plugins") menu.add_separator menu.add_item("Export Single Image") {(} end file_loaded("Single_Image_Export.rb") class SingleImageExport def initialize(export) # export should be true or false if export # Inputs prompts = ["Width","Height","Format","Compression"] values = ["1920","1080","JPG","1.0"] format_choices = "JPG|PNG" enums = [nil,nil,format_choices,nil] results = UI.inputbox(prompts,values,enums,"Export Options") if results @width = results[0].to_i @height = results[1].to_i @format = results[2] @comp = results[3].to_f if @comp < 0.1 or @comp > 1.0 UI.messagebox("Compression must be between 0.1 and 1.0") @export = false return end def_filename = "SU."+@format.downcase path = UI.savepanel "Export Frame","",def_filename if path @export_path = File.dirname(path) @filename = File.basename(path,".*") # remove the file extension end end end # single image export @image_path = File.join(@export_path,@filename + ".#{@format.downcase}") Sketchup.set_status_text("Exporting Frame to #{@image_path}") Sketchup.active_model.active_view.write_image(@image_path, @width, @height, true, @comp) end # end def initialize(export) end # class
RE: Twilight Render Sunset
As one of the few Indigo (RT) users and fan of moving images here in the forum, I have to mourn the quiet end of Indigo. There has been no movement since November 2023.
Due to the very good integration into MSPhysics for animations and simulations (author AntonS), it was and is irreplaceable for me.
Luckily, this combination still works great. The question is, for how much longer?
At some point, new hardware and new versions of operating systems are always required (computers don't last forever either). Then it's over.
An alternative could actually be Rayscaper if it can be integrated into current animation programs (e.g. Animator from Fredo6).
Otherwise, I'll have to get used to the idea of finally learning and using Blender with its endless possibilities...
Of course, SketchUp with its unique NPR styles remains the first choice for city planning and architectural concepts. -
RE: Twilight Render Sunset
After the Indigo renderer fell asleep now this...
What a pity! -
RE: [Plugin] MatSim (Material Simulation) - v1.4a - 31 Dec 24
You are fulfilling a long-cherished wish - changing materials and colors and saving constellations with a click.
Completely new possibilities open up for presentations, for depicting variants, for thematic plans, etc.
You've taken SketchUp to a higher level again - great! -
RE: Physic engine inside TinkerCAD !
This reminds me of the good old Sketchy and MS Physics days...about 10 years ago.
RE: Advent and Christmas Season 2022
An eco-friendly Christmas tree. It does not appear to have been freshly sawn, but to have been broken by the storm. The family carriage is also made of wood and probably has a fuel cell engine...
A Christmas season with lots of fresh air for you too! -
RE: More Stairs
dangerous first step (stair entry)...
The slope should always be the same, otherwise there is a risk of falling.
Possibly plan this step as a landing. -
RE: Perspective removal application
Completely free: JPG-Illuminator
Many functions to align, straighten and correct images in perspective. -
RE: Some tips and tricks from out of the Box
The magic of Brain in a Box combined with SketchUp...
RE: Clipping issue when opening older models in SUp2022
I almost thought so...
But fixing the clipping error is also an improvement for my work.
Especially for perspective exterior views in narrow lanes or interior views in models with large extension and activated shadows.
Thanks for addressing the issue. -
RE: Clipping issue when opening older models in SUp2022
If I switch to perspective view an back to parallel projection SketchUp zooms to the extents of the visible geometry.
I then have to manually adjust the original framing of the view for each scene.
There are no problems with perspective exterior or interior views, only with parallel projections. -
Clipping issue when opening older models in SUp2022
Currently trying to switch from SketchUp 2021 to SketchUp 2022.
In most architectural and city models are scenes with orthogonal representations (site plans, floor plans, elevations, isometrics).
After opening SUp2021 models in SUp2022, the models in these scenes are either completely invisible or cut away in the background.
See the scene pictures below.
This is probably related to the changes made to avoid the "clipping" problem.
The only way I can fix this so far is to switch to perspective projection, back to parallel projection, and zoom to approximately the previous section for each scene.
In models with many scenes, this is very time-consuming, not very creative, not productive and the effort is difficult to explain to my boss...
Is there an easier or faster way to solve this problem?
RE: Nvidia instant NeRF
Architects and urban planners will be happy to have a quick and easy tool to model existing buildings and interiors. Hopefully it will also be cheaper than 3D laser scanners.