great job, jason. it is in itself a xmas gift. i am sure people who get it will be very happy.
RE: Holiday Card... Final.
RE: Just to say "HI"
i would also have a look at the videos by the guys at go-2-school ( at least a couple are on photomatch.
RE: Bemvindos!
@arqpadao said:
Porque alguns identificam o autor e outros não, e também alguns aparecem como sendo de tua autoria, quando não são? não é bronca, só querendo entender.
Bugs da mudança?
Padãooi fernando,
o problema é que não é possível atribuir a postagem ao seu verdadeiro dono enquanto ele não se registrar. não se pode registrar uma pessoa sem que ela tome a iniciativa.
fizemos duas coisas para evitar confusões: criamos um membro chamado "not registered yet", ao qual atribuimos todas as postagens órfãs, tomando o cuidado de colocar o nome do autor entre colchetes. as tuas ficaram assim até que tu te registraste.
por isso, não creio que ainda existam postagens com o meu nome que não sejam minhas. se encontrares alguma, por favor me avisa que eu mudo na hora.
tudo isso está sendo feito MANUALMENTE. não podes imaginar o trabalho que dá.
Wanted: styles on the market
i wish there was some place from which to buy styles from. yes, i know that formfonts sell them but you have to pay a yearly subscription to have access to them. it becomes very expensive if all you are interested in at a given moment is a couple of styles.
what i would like to find is something similar to smustard: you pay by the stuff you buy.
does anyone know of a setup like i am referring to?
RE: A Pencil Style for ya...
i have been on mac forever and that never happened to me.
RE: Styles Oddity
I would not mind if some generous soul decided to share a couple of styles with the rest of us. not at all.
prezados amigos que falam português,
tivemos sucesso em mudar o nosso forum para esta nova casa, o que foi necessário por razões de segurança e estabilidade.
espero que continuem frequentando este e os demais forums em busca de aperfeiçoamento e trocas com os demais usuários do sketchup.
contem comigo para o que for possível.
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Banana [ Flash movie ]
yes, i had been there before and watched several of them but somehow the banana was overlooked (although it is one of my favourite fruit!).
just the same, it is better to watch them again now when i know much more about SU. when you are a novice many important things escape your understanding.
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Banana [ Flash movie ]
coen, you are on a roll!! i see tuts by you everywhere i look!
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Saving time by reusing completed works
@krisidious said:
here is an example from NickW,with some sweet little roof details.
are there more where these came from? where does nick store his jewels?
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Slant Ramp Tut
now you are talking! as clear as crystal. very clear explanation.
perhaps instead of additional shots you could just add the written explanation to the ones you already have (and then replace the file).
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Slant Ramp Tut
useful tut, thanks. my teacher experience asks me to question a few things, though. for ease of understanding's sake, that is. steps 4 and 5 are the crucial ones but they are not easy to grasp. perhaps my own limitation but i may as well tell you.
would you explain step 4 better? what exactly goes on there? you drew an arc joining 2 points at different heights, right? and then, what? i do not understant what you mean by snap and rotate.
step 5: i could not quite get what the text implies.
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Wanted: tuts on curvy thingies
@mike lucey said:
Edson, you now have a sink named after you !
yes, mike, isn't that something?
gully, thanks again for the sink and for the explanation.
tom, i disagree: your tip is quite pertinent to the topic. it is a way of getting it done when one is in a hurry.
a sociological note: my not-quite-scientific search for laundry sinks (aka tubs) in the internet suggested me that they are no longer common in north american and european homes. do you agree with this? my guess is that it is due to the fact that having paid domestic help is no longer common there. on the other hand, in south america, having a maid is still common, as many people are poor. thus the presence of proper washrooms in homes and of laundry sinks in them.
best to all.
edson (as in the famous, best-selling edson sink)
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Wanted: tuts on curvy thingies
thank you very much! it is quite a nice birthday gift. never mind your cheating: the model serves my purpose 100%.
yes, i would like to know the method you used to do it so that i will be able to do the next one myself.
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Wanted: tuts on curvy thingies
gosh, you are really making me think. how on earth could i use the sandbox for this sink? could you be a little more specific?
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Wanted: tuts on curvy thingies
@unknownuser said:
imagine you are a sculptor... start with a block and chamfer and follow along a path, and intersect with model... until you have achieved the shape you want...i thank you all for the encouragement, really.
kris, this is exactly what i did (or am doing, right ezk?). i probably took some wrong turns and ended up frustrated. i projeted the images onto the block, intersected a lot, pushpulled some more but then it became complicated when i tried to start rounding corners. i feel it is a matter of getting the sequence of moves right.
mike, if you feel like having a laugh check this up.
[Tutorial > Modeling] Wanted: tuts on curvy thingies
i wish some kind soul would post some tuts about objects with a lot of curves and angles. yesterday i was trying to model a sink and ran into a lot of problems, so much so that i gave it up.
to give you an idea of what i am talking about i posted an image of the product taken from the manufacturer's website.
RE: Reloading components
tom, alan, chuck, ross and gai,
I can only thank you for your kindness in taking your time to help me with this doubt. each contribution takes my understanding of the issue a little further.
I really appreciate that and the feeling of being among peers, no matter how far they live.
a very good week to all of you.
RE: Reloading components
hi tom,
thanks for the tips. when I had the problem I ended up doing like you usually do. but I will certainly try the other way. I somehow thought that I would have to select every single instance of the component to "replace selected instances".
Reloading components
well, I am not exactly a newbie but my question feels like one. here it goes. I have this townscape project I am working on, in which a number of benches were placed on the sidewalk, not always facing the same way. the bench is a component.
when I decided to try it with a different bench I replaced the first ones using the reload feature (chose one instance of the existent component, right clicked, chose reload, chose the new component). however, all the new components were placed in the same position in which they were first created, not facing the same way as the replaced components, as I expected. this would mean that I would have to reposition the replacing components one by one. very impractical, I would say.
my question: is there way to replace components so that they just occupy the same position as the replaced ones? it works that way in the other app I use (vectorworks).
thanks in advance.