To expensive in comparison to standard keyboard, which is twice bigger and cost £6.

RE: Keyboard - 58 User-reprogrammable keys for SketchUP
Keyboard - 58 User-reprogrammable keys for SketchUP
Dear All,
Something interesting.
Keyboard - 58 User-reprogrammable keys for SketchUP... the pricing is completely wrong ($189.95 !).
Regards -
RE: Change from Group to Component - Name Inheritance
My apologies...
Now, I figured out the 'steps'...
I didn't expect the the script would convert the Groups for me - hundreds of them in one go !!!
1. Select the Group or Groups
2. 'Paste' the Script and 'ENTER'- Don't change/convert the Group manually as I tried ! - it would change any selected Groups to the Component ... automatically !
TIG, Thank you
- Don't change/convert the Group manually as I tried ! - it would change any selected Groups to the Component ... automatically !
RE: Change from Group to Component - Name Inheritance
Tried and it doesn't work. The Ruby Console accepts the script (adds TRUE) but the change is 'wiping out' the name as usual.
Regards -
Change from Group to Component - Name Inheritance
Dear All,
Is it possible to change a Group to Component and 'force' the Component to inherit the name from the Group?
Regards -
RE: DXF / DWG with text and linetypes in SketchUP !
@tig said:
Looks like the text was exploded into lines that would then be importable [although the file size gets very big!].
It's good idea to edit the CAD file to remove unwanted/unused detail that won't get imported [like hatching], then purge/audit before trying the import.
If you save the DWG as a DXF [say r2004] then you can import that DXF's raw geometry [keeping the CAD origin], then use my 'importDXFtext' script to import the CAD text part only, it comes in as 'flat' 3d-text, using the equivalent size/font/style/location/layer/color etc wherever possible.
The two imports should then overlay properly; so that then grouping them as one you can move them back to a sensible SKP origin...TIG, I've managed to import my text using 'importDXFtext', but only once. I tried to import the text once again and it didn't work
and I looked for other solution.
The problem with the text is that you don't have any common origin point between imported lines and imported text - sometimes it is crucial to have the same reference point to align drawings.Dear All,
As TIG said it is a bunch of vectors – approx. 15,500 of them, but it works !
I don’t have enough time to do the ‘proper’ tutorial, but I have listed the software and steps taken.
You need the following:
• AutoCAD (LT is fine)
• PDF Creator
• Any PDF to DWG Converter
• SketchUP PROStep 1 – Open DWG, explode all objects, change all fonts to simplex.shx
Step 2 – Draw rectangle around the drawing – would be used to scale the drawing in SU
Step 3 – Print to PDF – I used PDF Creator
Step 4 – Save the drawing as exploded DWG – we will use the drawing as ‘Scale Reference’ in SU
Step 5 – Download ‘Any PDF to DWG Converter’
Step 6 – Open the PDF with 'Any PDF to DWG Converter', set in ‘Options - Centreline’ and ‘Convert Now’ – it could be converted to DWG or DXF – I used AutoCAD 13
• I didn’t manage to have the right scale but, the rectangle from Step 2 would come to the rescue later (see Step 10)
Step 7 – Open SU PRO, import ‘exploded DWG from Step 4’ and make group
Step 8 – Open 2nd session of SU PRO and import ‘converted DWG from Step 6’ and make group
Step 9 – You could copy one of the drawings (Select and Ctrl+C) and paste to the other (Ctrl+V)
Step 10 – Scale using ‘anchors’ – simply drag ‘edge to edge’ of previously drawn rectangle to match the converted drawing sizeRegards
DXF / DWG with text and linetypes in SketchUP !
Dear All,
I was looking for some good solution to get DXF/DWG including text and line types into the SketchUP.
And this is the result.Standard DXF/DWG Import done in SketchUP Pro
RE: [Plugin]T2H_BuildingStructureTools2.2.4 in20141207
@sufractal said:
@beginner said:
@sufractal said:
Did you change the contents (sizes) within that file?
I don't know this to be 100% true, but I suspect that file does not belong on your desktop, but probably within the "building_structure_tool" folder located inside your plugins folder. Give it a try and see if that corrects the problem.
Hi There,
You are right the file does not belong to the Desktop - it is my copy of the file from ...\Plugins\building_structure_tool folder to play with.
As I said - When I edit the file in the plugins folder I don't see any changes in SketchUP but...
When I edit the file on my desktop (outside the plugin folder - you can keep the copy of the file anywhere you like) and change the path in SketchUP I can see the changes (picture attached).
RE: [Plugin]T2H_BuildingStructureTools2.2.4 in20141207
@sufractal said:
Did you change the contents (sizes) within that file?
Hi There,
I have seen the tutorial and I have noticed that you can change the path to the *.csv file.
I have created a new file, located on My Desktop and changed the path - it works! but... when I change to the plugins path it doesn't.
Never mind, I like the fact that you can link own *.csv file and it can seat in my preferred location.
Thank you
Regards -
RE: [Plugin]T2H_BuildingStructureTools2.2.4 in20141207
Hi There,
The plugin is great.
I have only one problem with the 'default_pflist.csv' file.
The editing of the file doesn't take any effect in SketchUP.
Is anybody successfully added any new 'sizes'?
I would appreciate your comments.